Sunday, July 10, 2016

Reanaclaire Cooks Dish With Basil Leaves

I LOVE THE SMELL OF BASIL LEAVES.....According to Nancy, they are easy to grow, no need pampering so since she has lots of them in her garden, I requested for some....Not Some but MORE of these leaves!  Yes, give me more, I said... hahahaha...   But I cannot be too greedy because they might not last that long if I do not use them within a couple of days.  Some people cannot stand the smell of Basil, as for me, I can even eat them in my  noodles soup.

Since I have some minced meat in my fridge, it would be best to mix them with basil leaves among other ingredients.... This dish reminds me of a Thai Dish which I ate in Penang...
Other ingredients such as.... 
Garlic, ginger, cilipadi, basil leaves and minced meat.... 
I sauteed alla the above first except for the basil which went in last.... 
Oh yeah, I added in some white wine too, soy sauce... a dash of salt.... 
Keep stirring and making noise with the ladle....
And the dish is ready to be served!
Yes, it was a dry version... keep it that way.... 
Best eaten with white porridge... 
Dinner for two is served... 
Two steamed dishes and one hot spicy dish!
*My portion of rice*


  1. I like the taste of basil leaves too! Would use them to make omelette.

  2. Give me an idea, maybe will cook this one of the day, if, not lazy and got mood, haha...

  3. Looks yummy!

    Mamarazzi once gave me a pot of basil plant, for us to enjoy cooking with but alas... it didn't survive for long.
    No more fresh basil at home!

  4. Claire, I think you cook just as good as the restaurants you eat at!! I LOVE basil too! I love the smell, and put it in everything, even soup. But I have never tried fresh, always use dry in the little jar. I need to try the fresh this summer!

    1. Oh you put in soup too! that is nice.. they are easy to plant..

  5. Looks good. I've lots in my garden, these Thai basil leaves...lots and lots. Will try cooking this.

    1. Provided you like the smell.. men especially dont like the strong fragrance... :)

  6. Oooh creative! can also used as filling for a roll, if you asked me. :-) #eathealthy

  7. I love this kind of minced meat with basil leaves. Taste good and the basil added different kind of taste to it.

    1. Yeah, something tasty... no need oyster sauce or any flavor..

  8. I like basil leaves, so the minced meat you cooked will be very ngam with me. Two plates of rice, can sapu :D

  9. Hmmm yummy! Next time I bring over the basil leaves and you can cook for me too. Ha ha!

  10. No thanks. Basil yucks! *runs far far away*

  11. Mmm... Love basil! Do u know there's a stall at Wooley food court that has a lot of basil dishes? I love their basil fried beehoon!

    1. Oh Irene, I don't know.. must go and check it out then!


Thank you, readers!

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