Friday, July 29, 2016

Seafood At Tong Sheng Restaurant, Malacca

IT WAS ALMOST 6PM WHEN WE FINALLY REACHED HATTEN HOTEL after our fruitful trip to the durian plantations.  What a long and productive day! The day is not over yet, dinner was still pending, in another two hours, our host/hostess would be coming to pick us up for a scrumptious meal!  Quickly we freshened up and had a short rest in the hotel room.  Fingers were busy on touching the handphones to keep up with the daily emails and notifications.

Soon the two hours passed and we got ready and waited at the hotel lobby for our friends to fetch us for dinner.  We did not know what we had in store for we are not so familiar with Malacca food. Our friends were very punctual and we were whisked off to a restaurant called FATSO.  Upon reaching, the restaurant was closed... but no worries, we proceeded to another restaurant called Tong Sheng. Seems that these two restaurants are the famous ones in Malacca for their seafood...

This is how Tong Sheng looks like on a weekend... 
*taken from my son's phone during one weekend*
But on the day we went, the crowd was very much less... 
We got our table and seats within 15 minutes or so... 

Famous for their cheesy meehoon... 
I was expecting something milky but to my surprise, 

it was something like Wat Tan hor gravy but with a better fragrance... 
A-Must-Have dish in this restaurant... 
Otak Otak fried with eggs... 
Four types of bean... 
And one more green dish which I have overlooked, I guess...
Lastly and not least, the Crabs in cheesy sauce too... 
I do not normally take cheese but this sauce is Extremely Special 
The cheese was somehow "non existing"..
The gravy tasted like sweet, sourish with minimum spicyness... 
A plate of toasted bread to dip into the sauce... 
Super "omphh" I would say..... 
Ended up taking three big claws before calling it a stop... 
Again we were being blessed with such a scrumptious dinner!
Endless Thanks to both of you!!


  1. By now you should be putting on quite a number of pounds I guess

  2. By now you should be putting on quite a number of pounds I guess

  3. How much is that plate of prawn noodles? I guess it is one big prawn cut up but even so it is not going to be cheap if we have that here. Some places RM20, some RM30...the bigger, the more expensive. But I hear there are farmed ones now, sopposed to be cheaper...and the problem is we can never tell - they cheat us, we also don't know. :(

    1. I don't know, STP, but I know the total cost is around RM280...

  4. Wow! You are so blessed! Such a great feast and I am drooling!

  5. What a great feast.

  6. What? Got cheese in the meehoon? I think I cannot eat lah...

    1. At first I was like you.. but then once started, no turning back... !

  7. I have a piece of otak in the fridge, maybe will did like what you had, otak otak fried with egg...

  8. Oh wow! The dishes are so unique and mouth-watering. Enjoy first, worry about the calories and cholesterol later.

  9. Wow, no one else wants to eat the big claws? Only 4 and they are so kind to let you eat 3! So delicious! Have a good weekend!

    1. hehehee... I guess they are generous in every way! There are three more left for sure... one claw divided into 2 pieces..

  10. Looks so good. Abundant and fancy! And I LOVE the little yellow crab wearing the chef's hat!

  11. OMG! The food looks super good, special and tasty to me. I must bookmark this restaurant in Melacca.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...