Monday, July 11, 2016

Trying To Make A Room Look Bigger? Follow These Dos and Don'ts To Make It Work!

Home decor is one of those subjects that everyone has an opinion on. If you're really unlucky, people might feel the need to share those opinions with you. You sit through discussions of why avocado is actually a practical colour for a bathroom suite, wondering what you did in a past life to deserve this.

While everyone has an opinion, the core principles are simple. Everyone wants natural light; no matter how good a lamp you can find, it won't ever illuminate a dingy room. Wanting a room to feel spacious is a constant as well. No one wants to feel cramped, and it's no surprise that as a result, people are always looking for ways to make a room feel bigger.

Obviously, you are too - that's why you're reading this, one presumes. If you're in the midst of a redecoration and want to make the most of the space you have, follow a few dos and don'ts to get the best results.

Do: Make The Most Of Natural Light
Image from Public Domain Pictures
This may seem like a simple statement. Of course, you want to do the most you can with natural light- how can it be necessary to include that? You open the curtains or blinds and, voila, natural light. Right?

Sure, but that light is only going to go so far. To make light bounce around the room into every nook and cranny, mirrors just became your best friend. If you see a house full of mirrors it's not just about vanity; it's about keeping even the darkest corners well lit. It could also be about vanity. Depends on the person, really.

Don't: Overcrowd Spaces

We all love our little treasures. We clutter up our mantels with holiday souvenirs and reminders of these we have done in the past, adding ornaments that catch our fancy. The result can make a space feel cramped even if it isn't. Instead, select a few items that you absolutely love and be selective when shopping. You can browse homeaccessories online, so you're not tempted to pile up too much stuff- you can't just drop it in a basket. The physical separation will make it easier to see what you do need, and what you don't.

Do: Use Whatever Paint Colour You Want

You've almost certainly been told that light colours make a room look bigger. While this is generally true, it's not an absolute rule. Light colours have the major downside of being harder to maintain. If you can't be bothered with that, go for something dark- the key is in how you use it. Try and keep the walls and ceiling the same colour; it's unusual, but it gives a room extra depth. This works with bright colours too, but not quite so obviously.

Don't: Push Furniture Close Together

Finally, the way you arrange your furniture is important. Leave as much space as possible between items. Also, leave a gap between the furniture and the wall; it creates the illusion of so much space, you can't quite fill it all.

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