Monday, August 15, 2016

Homecooked Dishes On "Unlazy" Days

TOO MUCH OUTSIDE FOOD IS not-so-healthy and we all know it by now, right?  Nevertheless, we still keep going out for them at least once a day, do we all?  LOL...

When I am in the cooking mode, I can be very "hardworking" in the kitchen.  Nowadays my friends do not make any more comments like "Aiyah, alone also want to cook ah?  Just buy one packet of economy rice will do la..."   Instead when I say I am cooking for myself, they will give encouragement, "Hey, that's good!  Even though simple food, homecooked is still the best choice!"  

I think many of us do prefer to cook in our own homes if we can help... Outside food is very "heavily flavoured" as my friend used to say.  I agree with her... outside food are indeed very unnaturally flavoured and sometimes it is good to just eat something "clear" and "simple-flavoured".....

It has been a long while since I last bought asparagus... and last week I bought half a kilo at the market for RM12.  The lady taught me how to cook them... no need to peel off the skin.. the young ones for simple cooking and the hard stems for boiling soup!  No wastage at all....
My One Dish Dinner
Asparagus, broccoli, red pepper...
I added in ginger, garlic and some thinly sliced meat... 
No oyster sauce or artificial flavouring except for salt and soy sauce.. 
With the hard stems, I boil soup putting in a slab of meat, red dates and goji... 

 The next day for dinner, I cooked the remaining asparagus with basil leaves.... and ginger....
 I just ate this just like that.... no rice.. no carbs... 
 On another day, I bought some fish paste from the shop and prepared these... 
 Steamed some rice and my dinner was served!
Come to think of it, I am Not a Lazy Lady these days.... 


  1. Simple and healthy food is good! Looks yummy.

  2. Wahhhhh...getting better and better at it, eh? I never buy asparagus, so expensive. :(

    1. RM12 for half kilo.. can eat two times.. and the stems can be used to boil soup.. so overall, it is cheaper than the rest of the other vegetables basically.. :)

  3. Come up with a cookery class, I learn from u...

  4. looks good! homecooked is always the best! btw, I've received ur small gift. Thanks!

  5. Yummy!

    Homecooked food is always better but sometimes (a lot of times, lazy. LOL)

  6. For me homecooked meals are best... Reana can cook :)

    1. Can open another blog ah? Reanaclaire cooks! hahaha

  7. I like all your home cooked meals in this post, especially the bell peppers, asparagus and broccoli. So tasty!

  8. Simple yet tasty, plus healthy💕

  9. Asparagus and broccoli are two of my favourite veggie. The fish paste also looks good, serve with a plate of hot steaming white rice, sedap!

    1. One dish is enough for vege.. got meat.. hahaha...

  10. Your food looked good and tasty.

    Do you like your veg al dante or cooked till soft?

    1. Normally I blanch them for a few seconds...before I sauteed them... no, not too soft.. just a bit crunchy is good enough for me..

  11. Your dishes are so healthy and colorful!! And I know they taste great!

  12. Asparagus is pretty pricey. I seldom buy it.

    Love your home-cooked.

    1. Not so expensive if you count that you can make soup and a vege at a same time..

  13. Yong tau fu... wa a lot of work leh. Memang rajin lo that day

  14. It is very encouraging to see you cook. Your dishes look good. I have not tried putting basil in stir fried vegetable dishes. Must be very fragrant!

    1. Yes, since basil can go with meat or vege or fried rice, now I am trying to plant basil in my garden.. hahaaa

  15. Yeah, home cooked is always the best. Although I don't like asparagus and basil lah. :P


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...