Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Military Performance At Fringe Festival, Edinburgh Castle

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. It is all about celebration of arts and entertainment!   It was to my sheer delight that we came at the right time for the festval started on the 5th August till the 29th....

When Aaron suggested going to Edinburgh for a day trip, I was thinking it would be kind of tiring to drive the five hours journey to and fro.  It would be better if we could stay a night but after numerous ckecking for lodging, we could not get anywhere near around town and even those which were located a bit further from town was quite costly to us.  Leaving no choice, we spent almost the whole day there, only leaving around 8pm after our dinner..... The obe having the most fun is none other than my girl... Everything looks wonderful to her.... For me, bonding with them are my happiest moments!
At the top of the Edinburgh Castle....
With the comedian...
At the compound of the castle...
Let me make a call first... :)
Evening performance by the Tattoo Military in the evening...
Welfie near the entrance...
One more...
Nearer to the entrance....
We could go in until a certain section where we nned tickets to enter....
No, we did not go in, there are many more places to explore arpund the vicinity and the centre of the town...


  1. Lucky you all to catch the festival! I stayed in a backpacker hostel when I was there because the rest of the places are too expensive. Good that all of you had fun especially your darling girl.

  2. Great pictures! I have been noticing that you and your girl matching coats. You are both so pretty in pink. How exciting to go to a real castle! Isn't it wonderful being excited about life again because we see it through the eyes of our children..

    1. Right, Ginny...as long as they are happy, we are too

  3. A pity that you all could not get accommodation near there, if not, can have more time there and also explore more places...

  4. What a happy trio! Have an enjoyable holiday!

  5. I can see that you are all having so much fun! Jealous lah. LOL!

  6. You and your girl look so pretty in pink


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...