Saturday, August 27, 2016

Shopping At Union Square And Primark, Aberdeen

We have approximately four hours plus to do our shopping!  My girl was all Yes for it while the mother has to start refilling the wallet before we set out.  I told her i have 70 pounds in my pocket, would be enough and I received groans... Ok, ok, Mama added in another 100 and a piece of credit card, enough?  Her smile appeared and We set out happily after that....

First shop we stepped in was JD Sports, Nike was on her mind.  Very nice designs and each pair cost around 65 pounds.  We walked out empty-handed.  On my mind, it is Primark, Primark... Very affordable prices there, to my astonishment. One dress displayed was only £1 !!  Yes, no joke, I quickly took a picture and whatsapp to my siblings, they took some time to reply and by the time they did, The dress has disappeared somewhere in someone's bag presumably.... Too late....

Anyway, we had a good loot spendin more than two hours there... And that was only the ladies' section!  We did not have time to go for men's.  Lol... We must go there again some day.  To our delight, Our loot came to a total of £27 plus!! Oh my goodness... If those were purchased in Malaysia, the total could be easily few hundred ringgit!  Yes, I bought all on sale from £1 and most expensive is my girl's pair of jeans which is £8!  Ok, must go again!! Ladies.... Lol...

Hollister is next!  The cheapest on the rack is £7.99... Good buy... Got a few for the males.... And after that, no more... My weary legs were screaming Total damage for the shopping done was around £70... Indeed the standard of living here is very much lower than my country, no doubt about that...

Arrived at the Union Square....
Oh, we did not have time to go to T.K.Max...
JD and Clarks....
But she was more interested in JD for her Nike....
Inside Union Square...
We explored further to Trinity Center...
Looking for Primark and we found it after some enquiry...
And our giant bag with our loots....
Still had time to cook a simple dinner and soon, time for us to hit the pillows!
I am really surprised that I could sleep soundly even before it hits 10pm!!


  1. Me so goondu, never heard of the place.

  2. I LOVE shopping, and this was the perfect trip!! Good fun and also exercise. We have T.K. Maxx here! But here it is called T J. Maxx. The logo is the exact same as ours.

    1. Yes, I remember US has this too.. Only different in the second initial...

  3. Happy shopping! Take advantage of the cheap price to buy more. Here the prices are shooting up!

  4. Shopping! I would love to splurge on new clothings. If wallet permits. Hehe.

  5. So nice to be shopping with your daughter. :-) Enjoy yourselves!

  6. See that the shopping mall there not much people, the shopping mall here are always crowd with people...

    1. Yeah, people here dont simply shop gua... Lol...

  7. Have fun bonding with your daughter and son!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...