Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Special Smacks At Ah Meng Restaurant, Taman Iskandar, Johor

THIS TIME ROUND WE MANAGED TO GET HOLD OF AH MENG'S SMACK NOODLES at Taman Iskandar.  The last time we came to Johor, Ah Meng restaurant was closed and we went to San Low instead.  Took us half an hour drive to the place, passing by Danga Bay and the Palace on the way.  The place was quite full but then we did not wait long for our food to be served.  Service was good and in no time, all our 6 plus 1 dishes were laid on the table....
Steamed herbal kampung chicken.... 

Crispy fried squids.... 
Our favourite bitter gourd omelette... 
Prawn paste fried chicken... 
Smacked "Kangkung" sambal belacan... 
And their famous Smack Meehoon.... 
Looks kind of neat for these two dishes, right? 
Our six dishes for six people... 
Oh yes, not forgetting our dessert after the meal....
Johor famous Or Nee... 
Yam paste with gingko nuts and pumpkin... 
Best in the whole world!
We enjoyed our dinner tremendously.... 
With the 6 plus 1 dishes, the bill came to around RM150...
Ah Meng will surely see us again when we come to Johor the next time round!

More details here:
Name of Restaurant : Ah Meng Restaurant *non-air con*
Address : 38, Jalan Sultanah Aminah, Taman Iskandar, Johor
Hours : 12 noon till 12 midnight (closed on Tuesday)


  1. Prawn paste fried chicken? That would be belacan fried chicken, right? We had that when we were at the Red Garden in Penang, very nice. Never got round to trying to cook my own.

    Ah Meng was the name of the orang utan in Singapore Zoo. Dunno if it is still around - having tea with Ah Meng was a tourist attraction at one time.

    1. Old Ah Meng no more liao, now new Ah Meng : http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-zoo-unveils-the/2550838.html

    2. hahaha.. So ah meng is a common name... orang and utan pun ada...

  2. I remember reading about smack noodles in your previous post but I cannot remember what the "smack" is all about hah..hah.. But everything looks good lah. My top picks would be the steamed chicken, fried chicken and smack meehoon.

  3. Everything looked so yummy. I want that smack meehoon.

  4. OMG smack meehoon looks good, so big portion!!

  5. The fried chicken looks the best to me! And is that a plate of noodles?

  6. There is a JB Ah Meng Zi Char Stall (JB Ah Meng Kitchen) in SG, don't know is it the same Ah Meng

    I had shared about it here: http://libbyfu.blogspot.sg/2016/05/craving.html?view=magazine

    1. Yes, I heard about that too.. not sure same or not..

  7. I like both the steamed and fried chicken plus the or nee...


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