Monday, December 19, 2016

My Two Best Chee Cheong Fun In Ipoh

I AM SITTING AT HOME QUIETLY... arranging my favourite album called Food and these pictures below were taken recently.  This post will be all on Chee Cheong Fun in Cantonese, won't be translating them in English for fear that they would sound a bit gross to some and might have some adverse effects on the CCF business.  LOL...

From my younger days, there were mobile vehicles selling food and most of them of them would be stationed at an area for a couple of minutes before moving on.  I grow up eating CCF bought from a back lane, the man with the four wheel bicycle would come regularly at a certain time in the afternoon.  Miss the good old days when everything was so easily accessible....

Nowadays, we have to drive around to look for food and one afternoon, we went all the way to Kanthan, more than half an hour from Ipoh to take our lunch.... and one of the choices sold there was this Chee Cheong Fun with the following garnishing....
This is CCF with the Oink Skin, Long Beans Curry... 
I did not touch that.... too "fattening" for me though I was salivating... 
This is called Anson CCF.. taken in Kampar Road Yee Lock.... 
To me, ok ok only nia... 
Recently I went to taste this CCF in Bercham Woong  Kee... 
I shared with my sister.... 
Not too bad but a bit too much for me to eat them all.... 
The best is still the one in Canning Garden corner shop, just opposite the market... 
Known for his grumpiness no doubt but nevertheless the business is still soaring... 
Another compatible CCF is found in Pasir Pinji 5... 
Ask for a number upon entering the premises and Do remember it... 
Otherwise will wait for hours if one does not remember...
Be prepared to wait at least half hour... 
So must remember to order L size for the CCF...
Otherwise not worth the Long Wait!


  1. I don't have to go all the way to Ipoh for this - we have one guy from Ipoh here. Hey! You must have missed that post - don't see your comment anywhere...

    1. Yeah, perhaps I did... Good, so now you can strike off CCF in Ipoh!

  2. curry ccf!!! drooling! I like it with so much 'liews'..

  3. CCF is one of my favorites. I would gladly sample all that you had :)

  4. Wow. Can see you love CCF. Not many CCF over here, maybe not many Cantonese here ^^

  5. I love to eat ccf and will eat the long bean in curry ccf. The oink skins are dried ones so are not fatty so no harm eating them once in a while.

    1. I try to refrain from eating them these days.. cholesterol.. hehehe

    2. If you have time you may consider reading the cholesterol myth book. Some scientific articles say dried oink skin does not contribute cholesterol to humans.

  6. Hope you had an amazing food and enjoyed.

  7. L size XXL or not? Hungry leh

  8. All the CCF you showed here look good

  9. Your food pictures are gorgeous!! And best of all is YOU eating!! So not as many food trucks now...wonder why?

  10. OMG! I am droolimg at all your CCF photos. I love them too and have fond memories eating them from push carts in my neighbourhood in Penang. Those days they tasted good even when I had to squat by the road side to eat.

  11. I want to try this one in Pasir Pinji 5....take me there!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...