Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Best Plants For Your Garden

The lawn and the plants are essentially what makes your garden a garden. There are many different techniques and plants you can use in your garden, but some are far more suitable than others. Here are some you can use to spruce your garden up with minimal maintenance and cost.

Lily Of The Valley
Lily of the valley is an enchanting little plant that can grow in the shade, meaning you can plant it in garden corners and watch it flourish, it adds a blotch of colour to those hard to reach places and requires little maintenance bar watering. They can be used in conjunction with shaded green grass for a great colour contrast, and as a plus, they smell great in late spring and early summer.

They usually bloom in the autumn, and are incredibly hardy plants that take a lot to destroy and uproot, meaning little maintenance is needed. If you pinch off the buds and growing points you can then ensure their bloom in autumn, a time where little else is coloured. By doing this you’ll have a great focal point in your garden when little else attracts.

Day Lilies
Day lilies are great for planting around bird baths and other kinds of water feature, and are widely used by landscape gardeners. They grow in almost all conditions and maintain their bloom for long periods of time. They can come in a variety of colours and scents, and you can also get them at decent heights, meaning you can create some great effect work with them. You can also get different bloomers, so if you stagger the bloom you can end up with an extremely long season of colour in your garden.

Greek Valerian (Jacob’s Ladder)
The sparky blue is a favourite for gardeners over the world. It is extremely hardy, being able to grow in the sun or in the shade. This of course means you can place them wherever you want in the garden, they can become a great part of a flower garden or alternately be placed on their own for a homely splash of blue. They are spring bloomers, so can give you garden that early bit of colour. Their care is not too hard either.

Snapdragon Plant
They can come in a variety of colours like red, pink orange and yellow, and are relatively easy to care for, just leave them alone and let them flower themselves. They offer a great vertical show with plenty of colour. Their blooms aren’t too long, but they’re great to have for short bursts of intense colour, especially if you plant a few of them. They are also great for bee lovers, with bee populations on the decline this plant can help them come back.

These plants can keep your gardens colourful year around and give you a break from constant pruning and replanting. If you’re careful with your location and ensure weeds are routinely pulled then there’s no reason why you can’t create a low cost/maintenance garden full of colour.


  1. Great idea about the flowers for garden.The different color of flowers in the garden also increase the beauty of the garden.Gardening Castle Hill

  2. Nice lilies for garden.After reading your article on lily i am also impressed and planted lily in my garden.They look beautiful and attractive in garden.Gardening Roseville


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