Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Visit To Fishing Village And Chalets In Kukup, Pontian

Initially our weekend getaway left us with two choices... Either we go to Desaru or Kukup, both are new to me so I do not know which to go.  What I know is both are also tourists spots, Desaru sounds more familiar to me, more expensive and modern whereas Kukup, I heard is more "village-style" resort.  Both are located in different directions so we could only choose one to go.  And finally, we settled for Kukup because of the Pontian noodles.  If we go Desaru, I would not get to taste the authentic Pontian wanton noodles.  That is how we made our decision.... through the word FOOD!  LOL...

Back to my post, after our lunch at Pontian, we proceeded on another 15 minutes to a small fishing village called Kukup.  It is famous for its open-air seafood restaurants built on stilts over the water.  Most of the residents are Chinese and a majority of them are either fishermen or chalet-owners.  Most of the houses built on stilts over the water have been renovated or converted to holiday chalets to cater the tourists mostly from Malaysia and Singapore.  Well, I can say this tourist spot is most suitable for family reunions, social outings, company events, gatherings between the young and the elderly.... an interesting and fun weekend together on this special fishing village called Kukup.

To me, it is an eye opener... never know what to expect.... just let the camera roll.... here they go....

This is the ferry for those who 

This is one of the fishing village to the sea.... 
But the one we did our sight-seeing is this one here... 
There is a ferry service just next to the fishing village... 
The houses built on stilts over the water...
Choose over wooden houses or cemented ones?
These are the newer ones....
Some are still occupied by residents while many others are being rented out for tourists...
From the outside, I believe this is for homestay....
Because of the mahjong tables in sight... LOL...
Houses such as these can cater large families....
For super large group, this is a good choice... LOL...
Newer chalets in sight....
As we walked deeper in... to the middle of the sea....
The roads are quite narrow so one has to be careful not to "drop in"...
Motorcylists and cyclists use the same path....
Oh oh... did something drop in??? 
I have yet to ask them why they were fascinated at this place.... water, I mean....
Yes, something must be fascinating here too....
This one has a fence.. so it is safer....
Most of the places do not...
One of the restaurants on stilts we came across....
We came to the end of the village.... we are in the middle of the sea?
This is the dead end... no entry to the fishing house here...
Looking across to another island...  
Yes, that is about it.... 
Kukup, at least now I know you...
Time to detour and make a move back to where we belong....


  1. This round Kukup, another round, Desaru...

  2. I would not mind Kukup. A nice place to unwind and also something different from the expensive tourist spots.

  3. Very interesting! I didn't know about this place.

  4. Been to Kukup many many years ago during Mid Autumn Festival, rented the chalet there, had BBQ seafood and managed to watch the residents and tourists playing fireworks, fun! Memories...

    1. Yes, Singaporeans are more familiar with this place.. :)

  5. i thought all of you spent a night there. could kukup be venice in kampung style?

    1. Oh, I never been to Venice so I wouldn't know.. :)

  6. This is an amazing place, in fact I have never seen anything like it! There are both old and new styles. But I would choose the part with the fence!

    1. Yes, in case we drop in during the dark... hahaha

  7. I sure would enjoy visiting this place...like Tanjung Sepat, a lovely change from the cold and character-less cities.

    1. Yes, something like that... in a group, it should be fun..

  8. Interesting sea village resort..I lived in a wooden house on stilt like this during my childhood years..kind of bringing back my memories.

    1. Oh really! Then it sure brings back sweet memories..

  9. I have not been to both places but Kukup looks exactly like Pulau Ketam where all the houses sit on stilts in the mangrove sea. Interesting!


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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...