Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dinner At Tian Lai Garden, Gelang Patah, Johor

RECEIVED A MESSAGE from my cousin in Singapore stating that he will be coming with his family to JB the next day.  Great!!  I was all ready to welcome them and my cousin kept in touch with me all the way from Singapore till the customs.  After that, no more news from him... Alamak!!  His data must have shut off by the time they crossed over to Malaysia.  How eh... I have not confirmed where to meet and all that with him.  He also must have forgotten about the wifi when he drove over.

Anyway, I took the chance and drove all the way to AEON Bukit Indah, they surely have to pass by there on the way.  We did mention AEON but never confirm where and when to wait.  So I estimated... I parked the car and waited at the grocery entrance.  After some 15 minutes or so, a call from Messenger came in.  Phew... they were just outside AEON at Block D.  Great!! True enough, they did not have data when they came in to Malaysia and one of my cousin quickly subscribed to a plan just opposite the mall.  So all turned out well....

I took them for lunch at Tea Garden, just opposite... and after that, they came over to my little nest to look see and rest.... After a couple of hours, we drove to AEON again, this time to do some shopping and I also ended up buying a piece from Padini. :)  By then it was almost 5.30pm and my cousin suggested going to Gelang Patah for dinner.  Great!!  I have not been there before.... Let's GO!

We went to Tian Lai Seafood Garden along Jalan Leong Bee, it was the first time for them too, using Google Maps, it took around 20 minutes to reach.  Nice timing, no crowd yet and by the time we finished our dinner, the place was fully occupied.
My sengat picture of the entrance... 
Looks like it is a house being renovated to cater its seafood business...
All the dishes were recommended by the "Loe Sai" *Captain*
Curry Pork Ribs in Claypot...
My picture didn't do any credit to the tasty curry....
The curry was thick and not over spicy.... 
Their signature yellow beancurd.. it was yellowish inside... 
Maybe made from pumpkin.... I didn't ask... 
Spicy dry chilies clams.... 
Ching Loong Choy.... 
And the best was the Claypot Fish Bass... 
Thick skin full of collagen, so they say.... 
The meal cost around RM170 or so with drinks and rice... 
My auntie and cousins... 
Thanks for the treat, folks!!


  1. Usually I will switch off my data after clearing Singapore Immigration, quite a few times, I stand nearby Starbuck at Aeon Bukit Indah and "borrow" their wifi, only the last trip, I didn't "borrow" it... So dunno still can "borrow" anot...

  2. Hahahha.. my bro not that familiar but he got gps I guess. I'm missing here!

    1. Welcome back Chris! Long time no hear no see haha

    2. Yes, he has gps for sure... you should take leave too on that day! :)

  3. Nice makan.

    I'm drooling over the chili clams.

  4. Great food and great company - the best combination!

  5. yellow tofu not from egg but frompumpkin?

    1. Its yellowish inside..not sure..maybe from eggs as you said... :)

  6. I love clams! Look so delicious here

  7. What a great visit! How long since you have seen your cousin?

  8. My eyes are on those chili clams. Yum yummmmmm!!!!

  9. I agreed with Phong Hong; great food and company

  10. We must always welcome Singaporeans to help our ailing economy! LOL
    I love to eat Spicy Dry Chillies Clam! Yums!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...