Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Famous Curry Noodles And Varieties At Keng Nam, Ipoh

IPOH CITY IS OVERFILLED WITH VEHICLES ON THE ROAD DURING THIS FESTIVE SEASON... Everywhere we go, we have to experience some kind of heavy traffic especially around the town are and we try to avoid going to those places.  However when it comes to food, we could not avoid joining in the crowd... first is finding the parking and secondly, looking for tables.  This morning was no different, we had to wait for some minutes before we could get two adjoining tables for the eight of us.

We went to Keng Nam for our breakfast, it is along Jalan Cowan also known as Jalan Raja Ekram, the shop is famous for their curry noodles and "telur goyang" *wobbling half boil eggs*.... Now thinking back, we have overfed ourselves this morning... seriously....
Curry noodles... we ordered 5 bowls....
All red and spicy looking....
Each bowl cost RM6
We ordered another two plates of noodles to go with these fish balls...  
Five plates of Chee Cheong Fun....
Mushroom sauce... 
My kids like it this way... Each plate cost around RM4
And of course, this curry pork skin and long beans cannot be missed out either.... 
Five plates cost RM20.50
Food for the eight of us... 
4 sets of  wobbling eggs with bread and 2 sets of kaya butter toast.... 
CNY is indeed all about food and more food.... 
Happy Eating, Family!!


  1. The curry noodles look awesome! I think these are soft boiled eggs. Here is how you can make them in the microwave. Crack an egg into one half cup cold water. Cover it and microwave for one minute! And you have a wobbly egg!!

  2. I would go for the yong tofu-like fish balls, clear soup and all. Not really a fan of curry mee.

    1. OH really... actually, me too... I think it is our age.. hahaha

  3. Such hearty breakfast!! Looked red and spicy. Sure warm up the tummy.

    Over here the same. Jam everywhere during CNY. Most coffee shops not opened till 4th day of CNY. Those opened, they charged higher price. Sigh.

  4. CNY is all about over feeding :D The curry noodles look good. I will sure order one bowl and a plate of CCF. And I can eat some more. LOL!

    1. Me too.. a bit of this and that makes a whole lot!

  5. the curry noodles so 'pekat' sooooo drooling over here!!!

  6. with youngsters around, the food you ordered is not too much because youngsters should eat more.

    1. Yes, oldies like me can nibble here and there only..

  7. My husband too loves the curry mee at this coffeeshop but i prefer the ones elsewhere (like nam chau and yee fatt). He used to go there to get his fix before going on his photography trips with his friend. So in all our years of marriage, we have not been to this coffeeshop together...hahahahah!

    1. Really! Well, I have to agree with you.. when it comes to curry noodles, I can get my fix somewhere else too..

  8. I was surprised that this CNY is the first time where there were traffic jams at NKVE around Selangor from the even until 3rd day of CNY! No wonder Ipoh was jammed and business roaring for the hawkers & shops.

    Last year I just learnt to love and differentiate the Ipoh Chee Cheong Fun with Penang's style. very nice and different!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...