Monday, February 27, 2017

Wedding At Glo Damansara Restaurant, Petaling Jaya

ATTENDED A WEDDING DINNER AT PETALING JAYA... We drove a four hours journey to Rawang on Saturday to celebrate  my best friend's "promotion."  She has been my "buddy" since Form 1 and now she is being promoted to "Mother-in-law" ...So this dinner must attend one... no excuses!  LOL... A few of us stayed over at her house for we were given a task to be "receptionist" during the wedding dinner.  Yes, "aunties" like me were given the special job to welcome the guests, not SYT *sweet young things* but experienced elderly aunties, don't play play.. Anyway, whatever it is, we were dressed up to kill, young or old aside.   LOL...

And so...we were there before 6pm... The ballroom was beautifully decorated, photobooth at the front and fingerfood were displayed just in case, guests like us were feeling hungry while waiting.  Since we were early, we had the opportunity to take pictures and "fooled" around at the photo booth.  The photos were instant and we got a few for remembrance... Dinner started around 8.30pm and by time we reached home, it was over midnight.  A few of us stayed overnight at my friend's place and we did not get to sleep till after 2am!  The next morning, our eyes look something similar to the pandas'... LOL... Jokes aside... the wedding dinner was indeed a memorable one... so Happy for my friend!
Welcome to the Wedding!

Part of the scenerio at the entrance... 
Beautiful layout of the ballroom...
The main table.... 
Dinner on the Go!
Vain Auntie.... me!
Happy Moments with my classmates/schoolmates!
 Empat Sekawan....
CONGRATULATIONS to my Dearest Friend & her Family!!


  1. Wah! This function is only for fabulous ladies! Where are the males? I thought it was a wedding but looks like a happy reunion.

    1. hahaha.. you are quite right! Now looking back, it is like classmate's reunion!!

  2. Everything is so gorgeous! The decoration, the food. And you are so beautiful, Claire.

    1. Weddings are memorable events.. so everything looks beautiful there...

  3. This is the time lah to dress up leng leng! Congrats to your friend and her family. The food looks very sedap.

  4. The last picture, the "auntie" on the right, she's so beautiful till I almost can't recognize her, kakaka...

    1. hehehe.. thank you... auntie once awhile only look like that.. other times opposite..

  5. Wow Claire, it has been a long time didn't visit over your blog. Still look young , Claire.. Cheers

    1. Thank you Angeline! Sure time for a drink with you!

  6. wah...u dressed so glamorous!!!

  7. Phew vit!! Claire is looking very pretty and classy! ;)

    1. Thank you.. always choose the best to post up... hahaha

  8. wow! all of you are dressed to the nines. looking good!

  9. I still remember attended my youngest sister's wedding dinner and it was such a lovely night with blessings from all the people

    You look so classy and elegant Claire, phew vit!

    1. Thank you for the compliments, as I said, always choose the best... hahaha

  10. Looking good there Claire. You drove 4 hours in that and still look so good!

  11. Prawns with fried rice? Yummmm...can't go wrong with those crustaceans, bet that tasted great!

    1. Not really rice, but with buttered crispy glutinous rice.. .


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...