Monday, March 20, 2017

Old sports injuries, long days, and the signs of aging. We accumulate a lot of aches and pains, some of them temporary, some of them lasting with us for a lot longer. But they’re not all just the signs of a life well-lived catching up to us. Some of them could be indicators or a much greater risk that we should move to fight against.

Knees, hips, and ankles
Joint pain is some of the most commonly experienced, but if joints aren’t properly protected, chronic conditions like arthritis are a lot more likely to take effect. In fact, 20% of adults suffer from some form of it. While many types of arthritis are a lot more likely for older people, if you’re not practicing proper posture or stretching before and after exercise, you’re at a higher risk to develop it earlier. Even stress has a big effect on your joints. Relaxation techniques, from aromatherapy to a hot bath, de-stresses your muscles, meaning they’re putting less pressure on your joints.
Injuring too easily
We injure easier as we get older. If you’re starting to develop things like fractures too easily when you exercise, however, it could be an early indicator of osteoporosis. Bodyweight exercises like running, pushups and yoga can all strengthen your bones just as they would your muscles. Nutrition is important, too. Based on the evidence from AlgaeCal reviews on Supplement Police, some supplements can not only help you resupply your bones to prevent them from losing density but can help you gain bone mass again. On the other hand, losing weight by predominantly focusing on your diet can result in not only fat loss but bone loss.
A heady feeling
Migraines and other headaches are some of the most common reasons people go to see the doctor. When you get older, most headaches and their severity will actually loosen up on you. Which means if you’re suffering a headache, there may well be an underlying cause. There are several types of headache, and if you’re starting to suffer from a familiar sensation more often than the others, it helps to visit the doctor to see which treatment is best for you. In the meantime, finding a quiet moment to relax is a great way to ease off a headache. Lay down, shut out the light and apply some natural oils to give you relief in the moment.
Get a move on
Back pain shares much in common with joint pain in terms of both its common distribution amongst older people and some of its causes. The same times as above go for a bad back, but there’s one, in particular, that’s worth remember. If you hurt your back, bed rest is not a good option. Instead, it might be a sign that you spend too much time lying and sitting down so your back becomes less used to bearing the stress of the body on itself. When sitting, proper back support is crucial as well. Since the majority of the workforce has moved to the office, repetitive strain injury due to poor sitting position has become all the more common. Untreated or untargeted back pain can easily become a chronically debilitating condition if left to its own devices.

If you’re not careful, those aches and pains could keep growing to chronic levels where they have a serious impact on how well you live independently and enjoy it. Keep yourself vital for longer with the tips above.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    nice article, thanks for sharing, for promoting and supporting back pain relief and awareness. I appreciate your support.


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