Sunday, May 14, 2017

Graduation At Academy Of Art University, San Francisco

no, I did not get married as some of you have commented...

IT WAS INDEED A VERY MEMORABLE DAY AND EVENT FOR ME AND MY FAMILY MEMBERS on that special Thursday when we gathered together to celebrate my niece's graduation at the Civic Center in San Francisco.  I still remember the day in August 2012 when we flew over to SF to register her at the Arts Academy.  Nearly five years have passed and now we are here again to celebrate this special event with her.... I can feel the pride beaming on the graduates' faces, their families and friends who came to witness and cheers for their love ones as they walked along the aisle and onto the stage to receive their honour....

The convocation started at 3pm sharp and ended around 5pm... During these moments, we shared the parents' joy and happiness and we really treasure such bonding together... As for the aftermath, we had a ravishing dinner at a Korean BBQ restaurant somewhere, I could not recall the name, all I know is that reservation was made days earlier and we had to turn up at 6.15pm... :)  After our grilling and BBQ dinner, we left San Francisco and reached Sacramento around 11pm... and a blissful sleep came almost immediately when all was cleansed and done...
Parked our car nearby and walked to the Civic Autditorium... 
Nice blue skies on this beautiful day....
Inside the Auditorium...
We were seated upstairs...
Here we are!!
Started with a some introduction and speeches....
And the proud moments came hereafter...
And the Aftermath...
The celebration....
And the Happy Poses...
Before and After...
Well done, Niece....
Thankful to be here together as one family....
And a Grilling Time soon after....
All The Best to your Future Undertakings and God Bless!!


  1. What a wonderful and happy occasion! And so good to be with all the family! My best friend's daughter is graduating today, too!

  2. Congrats! You'll be attending your girl's soon, I guess.

  3. Congrats to your niece! You must be one proud aunt.

    Reminded me much of my own convo but that was almost 20 years ago. Lol.

  4. congrats to your niece! what a memorable and happy occasion!

  5. Yes, indeed it is a very proud moment for parents, families and friends alike...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...