Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day Celebration With Roasted Turkey In Sacramento

FIRST TIME CELEBRATING MOTHER'S DAY IN SACRAMENTO... My sister invited some friends over for a Mother's Day tribute to all the ladies.  To commemorate this special day, we prepared and marinated a 20 pound turkey the night before.  My sisters did the job and I just did the camera-ing.  Now I know how to marinate and roast a Nice Big Succulent Turkey, LOL....

Party feast startedat 4.30pm, weather was hot and it got cooler in the evening.  Besides the roasted turkey, there was also fried noodles, salad, hamburgers on the grill, rendang curry chicken, Naan, red bean desserts and a few guests brought over some nice yummy Filipino food... Food Galore, I call it... and soon our tummies were all filled and our evening ended with fun with laughter... Happy Mother's Day!
The Making of....
Slicing up time....
Soon all is done and nicely arranged...
The "spectators" even had a good share with the odds and ends... 
Yes, someone certainly had a Big Share here!!
Part of the food prepared... 
This time I didn't take much pictures, I was busy doing something else... 
Taking my own sweet time to enjoy the food and mingling around with family and friends... 
This is certainly....
One of my most memorable Mother's Day Celebration in a foreign land... 


  1. Wow! Sumptious spread. A lovely roasted turkey for Mother's Day celebration. A well spent time with your loved ones.

  2. Wow! Sumptious spread. A lovely roasted turkey for Mother's Day celebration. A well spent time with your loved ones.

  3. This is the biggest turkey I have ever seen! It is lovely. So much good food! The noodle dish looks awesome!!! So glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day, because you ARE an awesome Mother!

  4. Wow! Such a big turkey! I wouldn't know what to do with it ha ha! Okay, waiting for you to show me how to marinate a turkey!

  5. I guess in a way, Mother's Day is Thanksgiving too. Happy Mother's Day, all!

  6. what a huge turkey! happy mother's day to you!

  7. The turkey was beautifully roasted! I have yet to eat turkey, imagine that LOL!

  8. Manyak besar. Camera-ing means know got documented on how to marinate and cook la. Can cook up a feast for the kids this christmas

  9. hahaha.. For me first time too, I have such a huge turkey feast!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...