Monday, June 5, 2017

Fisherman's Wharf At Monterey

UPON REACHING MONTEREY, we parked our car for four hours, and the parking spot was a mile away from the Fisherman's Wharf.  Actually there were many vacant spots near that area but we did not take the chance, we preferred to walk since we were going for a heavy lunch around that area.  I did not know what to expect to see in Monterey, it is my first time there, all I knew was that we would be taking our lunch there... and walking a mile to the wharf is not a problem for me....

Weather was 60degrees plus and I was told to wear thicker attire...yes, it was very breezy and cold when we stepped down from the car though the sun was shining brightly.  This is Pacific Ocean and any place near bay area, it is definitely cold..... 

First thing upon reaching the Fisherman's Wharf, we looked for food... the place we chose was packed, we made the reservation and were given a buzzer to hold while we walked around the vicinity....
From the deck....
 A panoramic view of the sea.... 
Photo Session taken at the Fisherman's Wharf... 


  1. Lovely place. The usual slogan at such places - from the sea onto your plate. Can't get fish any fresher than this!

  2. Your pictures of all the ships are just beautiful!! All the restaurants look so good, I especially love the English looking Pub!

  3. I was expecting to see food photos! But your photos will do too. :)

  4. Very nice view of the sea! I thought I would be seeing fish and chips hee..hee..

  5. Yes, food is coming up next! hahahaa...

  6. Oh my! What a beautiful sea view. Blue and clear. So, where is the food???

  7. It has always been my dream to live near the marina or small harbours with boats & yachts docking. The feeling is great.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...