Thursday, July 13, 2017

A Fishy Post On A Thursday

TOOK MY 1 1/2 YEAR OLD CAR TO PERODUA FOR THE THIRD SERVICING... The total run is only 12,000 km, yes, this car is always staying at home most times, my girl seldom utilizes it.  Anyone who buys this car will be happy, it is like six months old car.  OK, any takers?  LOL...

Anyway, I was no more LOL when the man told me that the estimated servicing would cost around RM300 or more.... sigh....

After I left my car at the Perodua, my friend came all the way from her house to pick me up for breakfast.  Hefty bill or not, I wanted to have a heavy breakfast and it has been a long time since I last ate this fish noodles at First Garden.  It cost RM8.50 for each bowl now compared to RM5 during my working days few years ago.
Generous portion of fish meat with salted vegetables and wine soup....
Yes, the soup has a strong chinese wine taste in it....
Both of us enjoyed to our hearts' content.... Yummy!!

After our breakfast, my friend took me back to her house... 
Upon arriving, I saw these homemade deco in her garden...
They really caught my eye!
"Hey, since I have nothing much to post today, can I take these to post up?"

Just look at that....
Her old kettles and crock pot.... 
She is indeed very innovative!!
And there is another one here.... 
Her Guppies fishes are indeed very Happy!
Long time ago, I remember someone told me that watching fishes swimming here and there
.... is a good Destressing Therapy....
And this is proven right.... 
The two wooden stools are "ever ready" for anyone who needs a quiet time....
Perhaps one day I might get one of these above for my own garden...
But Wait till I settle down first.....otherwise my fishes will be homeless.... 


  1. Replies
    1. hahahaa.. just mention fish noodle and I will know.

  2. Wow! Your friend is very creative, innovative and smart. I am sure she is enjoying a blissful life with good feng shui at home with all the pots, pans and kettles pouring out wealth to the happy fishes. You must hang out with this friend more as she will radiate good frequency. Is your friend reading this? Hihihi

  3. wah...the guppies are so pretty and colorful!

    1. Yes, I didn't know they are called guppies till yesterday.

  4. Good that your friend reuse her things to decorate her garden. So nice and kind to the environment.

  5. Such a really lovely and crafty idea for the guppy ponds! One could sit there and look for a long time. The guppies are shimmering in your photos! The noodles look very good too!

    1. Yes, looking at the fishes can be destressing...

  6. Claire, thanks for the breakfast treat! I enjoyed it very much!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...