Sunday, July 16, 2017

Healthy Natural Drink Using Optimum Blender From Froothie

IN MY THREE MONTHS VACATION TO THE STATES, the Optimum Blender G2.1 was put into full use!  No, not by me, I could not bring it along with me for holiday.  LOL.. Instead I "loaned" it to my friend who basically make full use of the blender every day, I could say!  She was contemplating to buy one exactly like mine before I left for holidays.  But I told her that since I was not utilizing it during the three months, she can use it on my behalf.. with one condition... just let me know what she does with it and take some pictures so that when I come back, I would be able to follow her healthy lifestyle too!

Indeed she has been obediently sending me information on what she does with the Optimum Blender from Froothie.  She loves using it cos she can blend anything with it, especially those hard-core nuts, if other blenders cannot do it, this Optimum certainly can, she said.  LOL.. Good for her!

Here is another one of her healthy recipes....
A Magical Natural Drink to Heart Blockage, Lowering Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Weight Loss and Anti-Cancerous Drink.
For this recipe, the following ingredients are needed.
Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Apple Cider Vinegar
All same portion-1 cup each
Place all ingredients into the Optimum high-speed blender 
and blend till fine.
Put into pot and boil.
When cool, add in honey.
Consume 1 tbsp daily before breakfast.
The finishing part... 
Keep it tight and put into fridge.

I am not a certified nutritionist and make no claims to the contrary. Each individual’s dietary needs and restrictions are unique to the individual. This post is written and produced for informational purposes only. Statements within this site have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Content should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.


  1. I have read about this concoction before but have not tried it yet. Have you? Does it taste nice?

    1. I didn't try it cos my friend did it for her own consumption... I was still in the states then...

  2. Look forward to more post of what your friend did with it...

  3. I saw them selling this at a supermarket here - RM98.00 a bottle. I am sure it is a whole lot cheaper...and better to make one's own.

  4. Doesnt sound like a nice concoction to drink. But for health, nothing is sweet.

    Good that you have friend to use your blender.

    1. Yes, healthy food is normally not nice.. hahaha

  5. raw garlic! I don't think I dare to drink it.

  6. I need this drink so badly as I am getting older each day.

  7. I don't mind the ginger and the lemon but not the raw garlic!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...