Sunday, July 30, 2017

King Of The Fruits In Penang

I THOUGHT IT WAS DURIAN SEASON NOW EVERYWHERE... but it was not so.  I heard that our local durians are not abundant anymore, all these while, Malaysians are enjoying the King of the Fruits year in and year out with reasonable prices.  But not anymore from this year, durians are sold at sky high prices and one has to think twice to buy them or eat less than the usual portion this time round.  Okay, I am talking about myself, I really think twice, trice before buying and so far, I have not bought any as yet with my own money.  LOL....

The day we came back from Gentings, the very next day, we moved northwards to the Pearl of the Orient for our dosage of Durians!  My friend told me that there are cheaper durians in Penang, the season is on now there.  And we landed in Penang to taste the King of the Fruits for the Very First Time this year is in Penang....
Oh my goodness!  
Just look at the sweet temptations that laid before my eyes upon reaching Penang!
Not one box but all of these... 
Durians of all sorts of tastes... 
Surely we couldn't finish them all!!
But somehow I managed to "satisfy" myself with a bit here and there... 
Durians must partner with this fruit called mangosteens.... 
While one is heaty, this white juicy fruit is to cool down our body....
Bought two kilograms and ate them all...
Malaysian fruits are really Something!!


  1. We do not have durians here. But I have heard of the mangosteens.

    1. I don't think you will like the durians, Ginny..

  2. No, not the season but I think we had them twice at least early in the year. Maybe you were in the US then.

  3. Just looking at your boxes of durians, esp the 1st box, I'm salivating!!!

  4. Mangosteen for me. Long time did not take this fruit.

    I did not see any durians aroud here.

    Go all the way to Penang for durian? Wow!!

    1. Not actually la.. just used it as an excuse.. hahahaa

  5. I want to eat too! Must be so delicious!

    1. Now I cannot remember.. hahaha.. just kidding!

  6. Aiyoyo! I want to eat durian lah! Mangosteen pun my favorite.

  7. For durians, I like to those sweet type, they call it "Red Prawn" species

    My dad was a durian vendor

    I like the first photo with the yellow flesh


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...