Monday, August 21, 2017


THIS YEAR TRAC (Trinity Annual Conference) for the MSF (Methodist Senior Fellowship) was held in Canning Garden Methodist Church.  My church CGMC is the host's for this year and it was just over two days ago.  Though I am a member of the MSF for the past few years, this is the first time I am actually involved in their annual event.  Normally I just go for the meet-ups for Food which is held once in three months.  LOL...

Two weeks ago, my sister dedicated a task to me, she said just have to play four songs.  Alright, no problem, I told her.   We practised for a couple of times before the real day came and when the real day came, I was having some "shivers"...  Thank God all was gone when the time came for us to go upstage.  Then I told myself, "Just sing for the Lord and He will deliver us through.... "   And indeed, everything is in His Hands...
At the beautiful and serene Kesserling Hall.... 
Before the service started, members from all over Perak having their light breakfast at the concourse..

Warming up to the stage....
A few more minutes before the "curtain goes up"...
See, all MSF pressure.. no stress!
And we gave our All... Praises To The King!
And the Annual TRAC ended to a scrumptious lunch at Kok Thai Restaurant...
A very memorable Saturday indeed... 
Thank God for His Grace and Mercy!


  1. Wahhhhh!!! Got lunch after that kah? I want!!! LOL!!!

  2. I say! You can play guitar and sing! Macam popstar, eh?

  3. wah, you are so professional, can play the guitar and sing at the same time! very good!

    1. Still need to see the chords while playing.. not near to the pro at all! hahaa

  4. That was nice! Dedication to the Almighty. Good that you can sing and play guitar. I would npt be able to hit a note. Lol.

    1. Just needs some practice... mine is quite rusty already in fact..

  5. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»praise God! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  6. Wow! You know how to play the guitar? That is really something! Good!

  7. Oh Claire! I wish I could hear you sing, or see a video. You look so pretty and confidant! Kesserling Hall, is that your church fellowship hall, or somewhere else? Our church has separate chairs like this. I like them better than pews because you can move them around to suit the occasion.

    1. This hall caters the chinese congregation, I mean the sermon is spoken in Mandarin...

  8. You should have included the video clip. You can play very well and look so confident!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...