Saturday, September 16, 2017

Interesting Facts about Fitness that You did not Know

If despite all the efforts, training does not bring the expected result, it is worth listening to the advice of scientists: many immutable fitness facts were no more than popular myths, or were seriously adjusted. We are reviewing the fitness program!

  1. For a flat tummy and slender waist, you need to rock the press for a long time. So let`s start to review fitness facts with this statement. If you do not follow the diet and do not pay enough attention to the muscles of the buttocks, legs and, especially, the back, no beautiful press and speech will not go. And not only because these muscles are closely related to the muscles of the press, but also because the recovery of large muscles requires the most energy. Accordingly, with the right balanced diet with a restriction of fats, this energy will be drawn from our fat stores, and they are usually situated in the abdomen and waist region.
  2. Active evening training leads to insomnia. As it recently revealed, this statement is just a part of fun fitness facts, but nothing more. Despite the fact that many scientists believe that high physical activity at a later time of day contradicts the natural biorhythms of a person, night workouts do not adversely affect sleep. And for owls night fitness even helps to fall asleep more quickly. For example, Scottish scientists who studied facts about fitness recently found out that people who do fitness after 20.00, fall asleep more quickly than after morning or afternoon workouts. The fact is that physical exercises help increase body temperature, and when you go to bed - it starts to drop to normal, and sleep comes faster. And one more advantage in favor of evening training: according to scientists from the Scottish University in Glasgow, due to the higher body temperature accompanying them, the risk of injuries and strains decreases. Facts about fitness can be really useful, can`t they?
  3. With fatigue, it is better to give up training. Recent researches of the scientists prove the opposite: with fatigue, weakness and apathy, while training of medium intensity forces will return and help to cheer up. For example, scientists from the University of Georgia for several weeks observed two groups of people, constantly complaining of weakness and chronic fatigue. Some had a habitual sedentary lifestyle, and spent evenings at home in front of the TV, while others were offered to perform 3-4 times a week tireless 20-minute bike rides. As a result - in six weeks "athletes" reported that they feel better, more cheerful and even more happy. Verdict: Restoring your strength after work is best in the gym, jogging or driving a bicycle. The main thing is not to tear yourself through!
  4. The more aerobic loads - the better you lose weight. No! Too much aerobic load contributes to the destruction of both adipose tissue and muscle. As a result, the body receives a signal to slow the metabolism, and the process of losing weight slows down. That's why the metered aerobic loads are considered optimal for combating excess weight and necessarily together with anaerobic loads. In addition, do not forget that trained muscles spend more calories, for example, every additional 100 grams of muscle tissue "take away" 100 kcal per day. And with a weak muscle tissue the body on the contrary tries to store these calories in the form of fat.
  5. If you do not sweat, there will be little use of fitness training. In fact, sweating is much more dependent on the temperature of the air in the room and the individual characteristics of the body than on the intensity of the load. A more correct way to determine the intensity and effectiveness of training is to monitor the heart rate. Depending on the type of load, it should be in the range of 60 to 85 percent of the maximum heart rate.
  6. To lose weight faster, training should start with cardio load. Scientists questioned this seemingly unshakable rule. As shown by the long-term study, the results of which have recently been published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, it is optimal to begin the session with a power load, and to go to the cardio exercises at the end of the training. The fact is that if immediately after the warm-up to begin the power exercises - the body will spend more energy. Thus, we will burn more calories. And, as scientists have calculated, within three hours after strength training, energy costs of the body will be 13% more than usual (even if we rest or just sleep). Energy costs after cardio, alas, are less, and end much faster.

Share this information if you liked our health and fitness facts. Do sports and be happy!

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