Saturday, September 16, 2017

Self-Education as a Way of Life

A modern person must constantly improve his knowledge and skills, engage in self-education, and have a multifaceted interests. Especially relevant is the problem of self-education in the information society, where access to information and the ability to work with it are keys to success. Self-education can become a worthy and in many ways a better alternative to formal education, be it the second higher education or advanced training courses. If recently such a statement could be heard only from the mouth of an outrageous geek, today more and more people choose self-education as a source of knowledge, professional skills, self development and pleasure from productive work.

Self-Education vs Formal Education:

  • More relevant knowledge. Most new ideas appearing in the minds of people are first discussed in conversations, blogs and articles, then "ripens" to books, translated into our language (if the book is foreign), than it is included in educational programs and only then taught to students. By this point, the "new" ideas are already becoming obsolete. Self-education gives a chance to start right from the first stage. The ability to timely process the actual information at the moment is a key skill of a modern successful person. So you need it to make your self development more effective.
  • Personalized education program. With formal training, the program contains a large amount of general education material. It is not remembered, but it takes time, strength and money. Attempts to memorize unnecessary material displace the necessary knowledge from the head. With self-education, the training program is in full accordance with your needs and interests.
  • The ability to manage the schedule. The existence of a timetable, imposed upon formal education, is also necessary for self-study to achieve stable results. However, with self-education, you choose the most convenient time for yourself. Yes, you also need to have basic skills of time management here. It is everywhere and you can not hide from it!
  • Self-education is almost free. Both in courses and in self-education, development takes time. But with traditional way to develop your knowledge, you will have to pay more. But for the money that is spent on standard education, you can buy a lot of self development books and materials for self-education.

We have prepared for you a self development plan, where we told how to start your self-education and how to make it effective. Enjoy!

  1. Start to learn foreign language. A lot of ideas appear in a language that you do not know. Studying, for example, Chinese, German or French, will allow you to work with primary sources before your best friend-geek, who speaks only English, can do it. In addition, the study of an unfamiliar language complicates the structure of the neural network in the brain, which greatly enhances the intellect and skills. Today in the literary market there are many self development books, where you can find interesting and effective techniques of learning different languages.
  2. Balanced information diet. Modern man consumes a lot of information. Its most part is stored in the brain as dead weight, worsening the analytical abilities of the brain. If you have seriously decided to do self-education, you need to learn to "separate the grain from the chaff" and structure the knowledge gained. We recommend starting with the basics, without which a person can not wear the proud title "educated" - reading classical literary works of world literature. And then you can go to best self development books​ on any subject you like.
  3. Use of hidden temporary reserves. Take for a rule to use time in transport and on walks / jogs to self-education. If you are traveling by subway, you can easily read a book or watch a video on the road. While driving, running or walking, the option of a podcast and audio books will be more appropriate.
  4. Search requests. Self-education can take many forms - any problem can be turned into a chance to learn something. When you sit down to solve a new problem, do at least a superficial search for a solution on the Internet. Smart people learn from other people's mistakes.
  5. Shortened books. Save time by reading books in a shortened version. Often thick books consist of a small set of basic ideas, generously flavored with examples that are not always relevant to our reality. However, there is a way to avoid the large time costs for their study, as well as the money - for their purchase. For little money, you can subscribe to sites offering shortened editions of business books. Some of them have free limited subscriptions and periodically send shortened books to the email.

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...