Sunday, October 29, 2017

My Kind Of Tips Before House Renovation


This is the first time that I have not blogged for more than a week in my "almost-10-years old blog"..
Now I am BACK ... yes, I hope I will not leave my blog getting dusty again....
I have been pretty busy for the past one month or more, in between I slotted in some time to update my blog and it was so tedious that I eventually gave up and concentrate on other things to do....

There are a couple of reasons why I was tired, busy, no time to post nor paying visits to my blog friends.  In the coming posts, I will relate...

The very first cause was because of my house... my home.... it was in the midst of a deteriorating stage... no need to go into details... and eventually, it needed to be "repaired" before it is too late.  LOL... And when the renovation began on a beautiful Monday, my girl and I had to run for our lives!

Now some advice for those who have plans to do minor or major renovation in the house, especially the bathrooms....
1)  Make sure you have an extra home to "bunk" into once the renovation starts... *Both of us packed up and drove away from Ipoh the very next day*
2)  Cover up your furniture, label up the boxes where you dump your clothing, accessories and any other items in the house.... *now I cannot find some of my things for I did not pack them up in boxes*
3)  Find someone trustworthy to check daily on the repairs being done... *if you are going out of town like I did*

When the drilling began in one of the bathrooms, OH MY GOODNESS! 
THE DUST... THE DUST!!  We did not expect the loud noise, the mess, the dust flying everywhere, onto the bed, tables, chairs.... everywhere... and after enduring one day in the house, my girl and I packed up and drove to Johor the very next day!  Bye, Ipoh......

After escaping for two weeks and being in contact with the "manager" and "contractor" each day, I came back to look-see.  All was going as planned though I was wearing the mask each time I entered the house.  During this month long renovation, I am so thankful I have nice wonderful friends who welcomed me into their home to stay.... for I was kind of "homeless" when I came back to Ipoh... LOL... 

Now everything is back to normal, I tell myself... NO More renovations... at my age, this Once is more than enough.... What a relief now that it is over....Oh, correction... it is not over as yet... the house is still a mess.... now is the time to tidy up and put back where they belong... I need a few pairs of hands... anyone???  LOL... .
The day they ended their Contract...


  1. Oh my gosh! So stressful to be displaced for so long! Then come home to the massive cleaning up! Well, the reward is that your home will be like new, but what a lot to go through to get it like this. Good thing you wore a mask!!

  2. I dread renovation. The dust, the mess. Gosh. Nightmare. Haha.

    And not forgetting the cleaning up. Hope you get extra hands to help you with it.

  3. Yes, I hate having renovations done, such a terrible mess and it drags on and on for days and weeks.

    1. You can say that again... and again.. terrible mess!

  4. I also dread renovation of any kind! Getting too old to cope with all the cleaning and work involved with renovation!

  5. I can understand this too - the loud noise and the amount of dust! Must run away! Cannot stay in the same house when renovation is underway.

  6. I hate house reno too! Will avoid it like the plague, unless no choice. My parents in Ipoh have a similar looking dining table and chairs too, bought in the mid 1980s, hehe..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...