Monday, April 16, 2018

10 Steps For Giving Your Yard The Perfect Spring Clean

The first glimpses of warm weather are finally here, which means you can start looking ahead to the summer and spending time outdoors. If your spring cleaning focus has been on the inside of your home, then perhaps it’s time to shift that focus to the outside. Your yard needs as much TLC as the rest of your property, so a spring clean can help take care of those jobs that have been building up over the winter months.

Image: Kaboom Pics

Are you ready to overhaul your yard or garden? Follow these ten steps for giving your yard the perfect spring clean.

1. Clear all the debris

It’s surprising how much debris can accumulate over the winter months. The wind and rain can bring all sorts of mess into your yard that you might not start to notice until you’re ready to give it a clean. Clear any obvious trash from your yard and keep an eye out for glass and other items that may be hidden in the grass. If items can be recycled, take them to your nearest center or dispose of them safely.

2. Get the rake out

As well as all the debris that can end up in your yard, fallen leaves and twigs are also likely to be found all over. Get a rake and start clearing up all of the old leaves to help restore your yard to order once more. There are many things you can do with leaves to feed your soil and plants, while your local council might also have schemes in place for collecting leaves.

3. Get weeding

Weeds are unsightly visitors in your yard and can be time-consuming to eliminate. You can spend hours on your hands and knees collecting weeds, or you could look for other solutions to make the de-weeding process quicker. You can find out more about weed razors that will help you clear out your pond, while weed killers are also worth using to prevent weeds from returning. Getting rid of your weeds will make it much easier to grow flowers and plants in your yard and give it a much neater look.

4. Get your lawn in order

If you haven’t been caring for your lawn as much as you should recently, it might not be looking its best. Bring your lawn back to life by taking care of the soil and adding a seed mix to your lawn. If you can’t be bothered with the hassle, you could install an artificial lawn instead that requires little maintenance and means your lawn stays fresh looking all year round.

5. Trim your hedges and trees

Trees and hedges left alone over the winter can start to look unkempt by the time the spring light starts shining. Help improve their appearance by tackling the bits that are within easy reach, and hire a professional gardener to take care of the rest.

6. Begin planting

Now you can start giving some thought to what you want to plant this spring. Whether you want to plant flowers this spring, or plants or vegetables, take a look at what you should be planting at this time of year to make the most of the conditions. Putting in the hard work now will mean that your garden is in bloom by the summer, leaving you with some beautiful plants and flowers to enjoy during the warmer months.

7. Clean your decking

If you have decking or a patio, now is a good time to get them clean so that you’re ready to enjoy spending time outside in the sun. A jet washer is one of the best tools you can use to clean stubborn stains and dirt from decking and tiles, and you’ll be surprised at the results you can achieve. You can either purchase a power washer or rent one - if you’re only going to be using it once a year then renting one for the day might be the most affordable option for you.

8. Repair any damage

Now is a good time to check your fence for damage. If the winter was a harsh one where you are, then you might find that your fence has suffered a bit because of the weather. Check through your fencing for any gaps or loose parts that need fixing up. Repair any damage to stop any unwanted visitors getting in as well as to stop your own pets or children from getting out. You should also check your shed for any signs of damage and to make sure the lock remains secure.

9. Add a fresh coat of paint

A fresh coat of paint can work wonders, giving your yard a fresh look that will make everything look refreshed and new. Painting your fence or shed can help extend the life of the wood, and erase the signs of a harsh winter that can make the wood like tired and worn. Choose a dry day, put on some tunes and get the the family involved to make the process much quicker.

10. Keep up the maintenance

Now that you’ve taken care of the essentials, you need to stay on top of things to make sure your garden or yard stays in great condition for the summer. Make a schedule of when your plants and flowers need feeding during the week, and try to spend some time on the weekend tackling the bigger jobs like cutting the grass or weeding. If you haven’t got the time to commit to maintaining your yard, then you might want to think about hiring a gardener to take care of it for you. Basic yard work is a great way for your kids to earn their allowance, so you could always ask them to tackle the watering and other simple jobs to help keep things in order.

With your spring clean out of the way, you can start thinking about getting your yard ready for summer entertaining. Updating your decor or investing in some new garden furniture is a great way to overhaul your backyard ready for a summer of fun and relaxation.


  1. Where is Small Kucing??? Meow! Ask her to read.....

  2. Great tips! We've been going through our yard. We already picked all of the debris (its amazing what the snow hides!) and realized that our old wooden fence is finally on it's last leg. We've ordered a new fence and we're going to wait for it to come in before we finish the yard. We'll be sure to keep all of this in mind though when the time comes! Thanks!


Thank you, readers!

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