Thursday, April 5, 2018

Destination Tokyo Tower, Ginza Street, Shibuya

AFTER LUNCH, we were taken to Tokyo Tower...
A communication and observation tower located in Shiba Park, Minato and Tokyo with a height of 333 meters, it is the tallest self-supporting steel structure in the world.

Next destination is the Ginza area, known as an upmarket or should I say, high end area with lots of branded stuff.  Of course, I could only go window shopping, just look see the Burberry, Blue Label, Celine among others....

For dinner, we had Shabu-Shabu... not sure what it is called in Japan, as far as I am concerned, I call it steamboat... LOL...

After dinner, we checked in to our hotel which is connected to a shopping mall.  Too bad it closes at 9pm, some even earlier... anyway, I was really tired by then.... once hit the pillows, it was ZZZZzzzz for me!
Taken at Tokyo Tower.... 
From the ground level...
And scenery from above the high tower.... 
Don't look down.. just at eye level...
They have a mini Skywalk Window up here..... 
My legs turned "jelly" when I stepped on it.... 
Looking down from the skywalk... 
One of my legs... 

At Ginza area.. high end... so I noticed not many shoppers....
Perhaps it was a weekday.... 
But it is not the case in Shibuya, the most busy intersection in the world... 
Well, rumoured to be... 
It is like a giant beating heart, sending people in all directions with every traffic light change... 
At peak times, it is said to be over 1000 people at this intersection... 
All I see is humans and more humans..... 
And it was not even the peak hour...... 
Dinner time!
Endless food... Buffet style.... 
Satisfaction Guaranteed!!  LOL... 


  1. If you ask me to look down from the skywalk, my leg will be shaking as I have height fright...

    1. Me too.. but I still did it for photo taking!

  2. OMG! The Skywalk, I will never step on it. I am very pengecut. LOL!

  3. The skywalk is so mini! you are at shibuya! did you see the statue of the faithful dog Hachiko?

  4. I remember Ginza, was there in the 80's so very long ago. I think I went to Tokyo Tower too. Can't remember much other than everything was so expensive. I am sure it is very much more so now.

    1. Not sure cos everything is included.. hahaaa.. paid liow

  5. Tokyo tower is a favourite spot for drama shoot, i wonder what will be my reaction if i were to step onto the skywalk, have not tried before

    1. Oh really! I don't watch japanese shows so i dont know..

  6. The tower reminds me of the Eiffel tower. You actually waked onto the Skywalk!!! You are very brave...must not be afraid of heights! This food is so fancy!!

    1. hahahaa.. just a small skywalk... I don't think I can walk on a real one!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...