Thursday, April 12, 2018

Visit To Nara Park, Japan On Our Free 'N' Easy Day

ON OUR FIRST DAY OF OUR FREE AND EASY IN OSAKA... we found our own way through subway to Nara Park.  Of course, I did not do any homework, I am just a follower... wherever you go, I go.  We started out early in the morning cos we wanted to cover two places in a day.

Firstly, we stopped at Nara park, it is a home to hundreds of freely roaming deer, estimated around 1200 of them.  The deer are surprisingly tame but when we start to feed them, they can be pretty "aggressive" ... we passed round the crackers cos they really chase the one who have them.  But they are cute too in a way, some of them have "learned" to bow for their food.  :)

See, they are loving each other... 
I dare not hold any crackers even though my scarf nearly got taken away by them! :)
Some can be pretty tame... 

The "secret garden" I called it... we had our tea there... 
Our light tea and some desserts which is not in the picture here... 
Nice picnic area.. cooling... 
Can sit here and relax...
We walked from the front till the end... 
As long as they are not fed, we feel safer... LOL...
Cheery Cherry  Blossoms here and there...

Here too...
Peace at Nara Park.... 


  1. I missed those deer even thought I got bitten by many on my backside.
    That Nara city is so unique that one could see these deer animals roaming freely on the busy streets while cars would gently stop to allow them to cross the streets. I love that.

    1. An eye opener for me too.. yes, they can see you have food in your hands and will come after you...

  2. I was there! No spotted deer? There were a few when we went but that was a long long time ago.

  3. The secret garden is a nice place to have your tea and snacks!

  4. Oh the famous nara park and their deers, such a scenic garden

  5. Beautiful Nara Park. A famous park with its friendly deers.

    1. Not so friendly but overall, an interesting place to go..

  6. did you go to the temple with the big buddha statue in Nara?

  7. What a lovely place with so many Bambis roaming around! Did they roam into the secret garden and join you for tea?

    1. hahaha.. Bambis.. I almost forgotten that... yes, they roam around except for tea... they were not invited.. hahaaa


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...