Thursday, May 31, 2018

10 Course Dinner At Well Season Seafood Restaurant, Saramento


The next day Aaron would be flying back to Scotland... and my sister arranged for a sit-down dinner at a Chinese Restaurant in Elk Grove for the 10 of us.  According to my sister, the Well Season Seafood Restaurant was opened not too long ago, she had not tried the food there before... the menu seems "endless"... .  Since there were ten of us, she opted for a eleven course dinner at around $200 inclusive of beer and an extra dish.

Our early dinner started at 6.30pm..... everyone seemed to be very punctual... no Malaysian time anyway.. LOL.. and after settling down for a couple of minutes, our food were served...

We were more or less the first customers of the day.... 
My sister prefers early dinner, easier to digest to avoid gaining weight... LOL....
First dish.... soup as appetizer...
I forgot what soup it was... actually..
Beancurd or something.... 
But I remember taking two rounds of it... 
Our first dish... Cold platter...
Buttered Honey Shrimps....
Greens with beef....
Crispy fried chicken Chinese style...
Mustard greens with mushrooms and abalone... 
Ginger Lobster....
Steamed Garoupa ... 
Fried noodles.... 
Three layers fried rice... 

Our scrumptious Chinese Dinner....
Oh yeah, I forgot to take the dessert...
Red beans mixed with chestnuts or something... 
And of course, we couldn't finish them all... 
The remainder became our "dinner" for the next day!


  1. Lobsters! Shrimps! Garoupa fish! Cold platter! All my favorite food. So delicious!

  2. This is a very fancy restaurant, all looking good. Nice variety of dishes, too.

  3. Wah...nice lah! I like all the dishes.

  4. Just looking at the food pictures makes me drool! Everything looks so delicious!

  5. Very grand Chinese restaurant. The dishes looked good and sumptuous as well. I always look forward to cold platter. Lol

  6. Yummy food. The three layers fried rice...that's unique.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...