Sunday, June 3, 2018

Extracting Honey Amateur Style


A few beekeepers rent a small portion of the garden to harvest honey from the bees.  Sounds dangerous, right?  Well, actually it is quite a distance away from where we are staying.  So far, no recorded incidents of being stung in any way... I certainly keep a distance... there are bees in the garden and I am told that if I do not smack them away, I am safe.  Who wants to smack them anyway??  LOL...

Every month, the beekeepers pay their monthly rental with a small token accompanied by two Big Gallons of Pure Honey!!  Yes, super pure honey, no processing of sugar or whatsoever... That is what I love to having each day, honey plus lemon, to keep me trim!  LOL... Just kidding!  One thing true is that I really gulp down at least two glasses of honey each day during my stay.  Back in Malaysia, honey sold on the shelf is expensive and sweet... however the honey I have here is so pure and not as sweet.... that is why I take a couple of glasses each day!  Greedy me!

One fine day, my BIL brought home a tray of unprocessed honey, given by the beekeepers... out of curiosity, he tried extracting the honey from this tray below.... and conclusion???  A Big Mess!  LOL.. Lots of work and patience and cleaning up... that does not work well with my sister, LOL... After killing our curiosity, we prefer to be given a clean two gallons of honey instead of doing the job ourselves!  LOL....

Here was what we did... amateurs in extracting!
Let's see... 
Below we laid the pan with the aluminium foil.... 
Slowly uncapped the wax from the honey frames... 
Honey dripping down slowly... steadily...
Honey wax.... 
Slowly does it....
Comes out easily but messy.... 
Ok, now what did we do with these?
Strain them... twice... 
They dripped down very slowly... 
Well, imagine the work, the time and of course, the Mess!


  1. Yeah so honey doesn't come easily. :D

  2. Seems like hard work! No wonder pure honey is expensive.

  3. I ever saw the owner demonstrated the extraction at his honey stall at Cameron Highlands Pasar Malam

  4. Gosh, that is a real mess, and hard and time consuming! Best left to the experts...I wonder how they do it?

  5. A lot of people rear those stingless bees here for the honey - you can try too when you come back.

  6. The honey selling over here is expensive too...

  7. Now I know how it is done. I prefer the processed honey though. Hehe. Less messy.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...