Sunday, June 3, 2018

GM Diet Vegetarian Recipes: The Basics and Diet Plan for Vegetarians

GM diet for vegetarians is an adjustment on the diet program that was made for GM employees who are not vegetarians in 1990s. This diet is known as hard to follow for some. The vegetarian version is just close to the usual one, though it is much difficult, since you have to give up some common foods. The original GM diet program on the other hand is not meant for vegetarians, so people are still allowed to eat meat on a particular day.  Before going through a well-planned GM diet program, there are just some basic things you should know before you start.

The basics

Do not take any alcoholic beverages while you are engaged in GM diet. There should be at least eight to ten glasses of water daily to keep you hydrated. You can do this diet often, but you are advised to take a break from it even after a week. Dieters are not allowed to drink fruit juices due to high sugar content, except for the day that you are allowed. Engaging in strenuous activity is a big no. this is because you are into low calorie diet and there is no enough amount of energy to sustain the workout. A simple yoga and breathing exercises will do for now.

Diet plans exclusively for vegetarians

  • 1st day: You will be allowed to eat fruits only, but bananas are not included in the list. There is no restriction to the number of fruits you can eat. More watermelon is suggested, since this is rich in water that you need to start off the diet program.
  • 2nd day: You can have two to three potatoes for the entire day. On this day, you are only allowed to eat veggies and fruits are prohibited. You can eat as much veggies as you want and you have a choice to boil them, eat them raw or bake them.
  • 3rd day: You are allowed to eat veggies and fruits on the 3rd day. You have a choice, but bananas & potatoes are still not included in the meal plan for this day. At the end of the day, you will see that you have lost around 2kgs if you will not cheat.
  • 4rth day: Day 4 is all about banana and milk; you can have at least 6pieces of bananas for the whole day and 3 glasses of milk too. Every time you feel hungry, you can have the wonder soup to ease your hunger.
  • 5th day: Day 5 includes a cup of brown rice and six pieces of tomatoes. You can just have the soup with tomatoes if you do not want to eat brown rice yet. You can also have your choice of veggie soup, but keep in mind that more water is needed on day 5 to clean the system of the uric acid you will gain within the day.
  • 6th day: Brown rice and veggies are for day 6. A cup of rice with veggies is all you need today. When you add veggies to the rice, you can come up with veggies Pulao; just don’t add masala to it.
  • 7th day: This day is also known as the feast day, since you are down to the last and final day of the program. You can have a cup of brown rice with veggies and fruits for snacks.

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