Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Looking Green At Lowes


I am no green finger but I think I have been to nurseries here in Sacramento more than in my own hometown, Ipoh.  Since we have lots to plant and grow here in this fertile state, the only store which supplies everything about gardening and home, Lowe's is the place to go.  Lowe's for pro-s... but I am no pro... I just go there to take pictures!  LOL... And of course, to admire the plants and to know more about the home improvement appliances.  There are so much stuff which I do not know about for our own homes.  I wish I could buy and carry some home but it is just impossible.  So... the only thing I could do is to visit the store every now and then, and of course, to help carry around pushing the trolley and loading them into the van.  LOL...

After all the poses, it is time to carry our few hundreds bucks of stuff home...
That is the "heavy part!" 


  1. I have no green fingers, can only admire plants...

  2. I love visiting nurseries and admire the flowers. Sometimes we do that over here, visiting nurseries and see anything interesting to bring home.

  3. Oh me oh my!!! All the beautiful plants!!! I will be "mabuk" looking at all of them if I step into that place. So very nice!

  4. When you are back you will be an expert in gardening since you have lots of experience there.

  5. If I go there, I will go gila and want to buy everything LOL! I suppose that is our equivalent of Sg Buloh.

  6. I believe you are at Green Acres Nursery, not Lowe's. Must be flash back jet lag.

    1. Oh really!! Then it must be jet lag then! hahahaa..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...