Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sharing Creativity Through Live Streaming

With the availability of internet, people have been live streaming or broadcasting live videos over the internet to reach audience across the globe. As long as you have access to the internet, anyone can live streaming using a smart phone or tablet, and a platform to broadcast on. People are born to be creative in nature, and live streaming gives the young people an opportunity to be creative in their own natural way. Some are born to be a presenter and they enjoy being seen by an audience.

These days, those interested can choose from the many apps for live streaming and download onto their smart phone or tablet. With an app for live streaming, you can broadcast live whatever you are doing to your audience from wherever you are. There is a rise in live streaming platforms such as YouNow,, Facebook Live, Periscope, and etc., just to name a few.

Live streaming is uncensored, unedited, and unrehearsed. It can be used in a positive way, e.g. as a campaigning tool, create identity, or a great way to develop skills in communication, or to showcase your talent. It is also a way to help build up or boost one’s ego and confidence, especially with the “likes” and positive comments received from their audience.

Naturally, parents and adults are understandably worried about their children or charge going live on a video streaming app which can be hard to moderate and the content being misused or exposed inappropriately. There is the danger of their children revealing more personal information than intended and being exposed or coming in contact with strangers with evil motives.

Without proper adult monitoring, naïve youngsters may broadcast something overly personal and before they knew it, the content once released into the live streaming channels, there is nothing to stop it being recorded, shared and could be used to blackmail. Sometimes, receiving harsh negative comments could damage the youngster’s morale and may cause them to lose their self-esteem or confidence.

It is therefore important for parents and their children to have an open line of communication where they can talk openly concerning their internet habits, especially concerning their views on live streaming. Parents can discuss with their youngsters without being controlling or domineering on what is safe and how to keep themselves safe online and enjoy positive online experience and to avoid being negatively exploited.

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