Thursday, August 30, 2018

Walk, Eat, Play At Sky Avenue, Gentings


A time to unwind and relax, we just walked around, took three meals a day and walked again here and there till our legs had no more "feel".... LOL... I felt that my legs were on auto cruise mode, walking left and right, going up and down and when we were back to our rooms each night, we did not have time to toss and turn on our beds. 

A round-up on our trip.... I missed out taking our meal photos, I guess I was too hungry then.  The best meal is the Lunch Buffet at the Gentings resort.  A very nice International buffet I would like to have each time I am there.  The buffet cost around RM45 per person if I am not mistaken.  Worth going for that if one can tuck in a lot!  LOL...
World's largest hotel... not rooms though... 
At the SkyAvenue...
Screening time... 
And we were fascinated...
Having fun shopping too!
Go Noodles house is one of the best and cheapest place to have our meals... 
Very ancient like decor too..
While waiting for our food.... 
Having our Buffet Lunch... 
Let's eat and be merry!


  1. Thanks for sharing the glittering photos and i like the ancient decor of the restaurant, so nice!

  2. Wow, I have never seen the likes of this place! I know you have been there before, but these pictures are different, lots of great things to see. Wish I could go!

  3. Wahhhhh!!! What did you buy for me? LOL!!!

  4. Beautiful photos for memories! Buffet price is so worth it.

  5. I think the Sky Avenue is new, right? Great place to relax and have a good time!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...