Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Entertainment Up On Dream Cruise Gentings


Though we were truly exhausted, we did not let our tiredness deter us from going to a live performance at Zodiac Theatre.  There are two shows for free each night, Rhythm Divine, a group of Latin dancers with two singers and another live performance is China Got Talent.  We opted for the Latin dancers on the first night.  After all it is Free of charge... LOL..

We managed to get our seats for the 11pm show, perhaps we spent too much time at our buffet dinner earlier in the evening, thus the bookings for the earlier schedules were all full.  Never mind, we spent our hour exploring the ship, entertainment seems to be endless, music and real game shows filled up every corner, here and there and everywhere...

We took this opportunity to walk outside on the deck as well.  The ship by then was on International waters, the casinos opened up and steadily the cruising continued...
The Dream Cruise Logo... 

Couples were chosen to go on stage for the Game Show... 

Entertainment around the 360 degrees bar... 

Up on the deck... 
Seeing this, I remember Titanic again!
Exploring the ship while waiting for the live performance at the Zodiac Theatre... 
And exactly at 11pm, the show started... 
Songs and dancing...
Very entertaining... 
For the next 45 minutes or so.... 
No time to doze off... 
though we were really really tired... 
For we enjoyed the show tremendously!
Then... We called it a night at Midnigh


  1. hahaha your cruise seems like the tv series Love Boat.

  2. I enjoy dance shows like this!

  3. I would enjoy shows like these too!

  4. Wow, what an amazing cruise! So much all going on at once. You sure get your money's worth!

  5. Ok, so how much did you win at the casino?

  6. Wow! That was a spectacular late show. Worth the wait yeah....
    I love going on cruise for the buffet food and international shows!

  7. Worth staying up late for the dance show even though you all were dead tired.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...