Monday, January 14, 2019

Indulging Ourselves Completely In Indulgence, Ipoh


It has been several years or was it more... since I last ate in Indulgence, one of the few fine dining restaurants housed in a colonial bungalow along Jalan Raja Di Hilir.  I remember one time I brought my three hungry kids to the restaurant, we ended up having a second round of dinner at a food court after that.  Oh, that was many years ago, the three of them were in their teenage years or should I say puberty stage... LOL... Fine dining for them during that period was such a "waste" then, more complaints came after seeing the bill... LOL... And the best part is that my chubby son then insisted that he had to indulge again at the food court immediately after.  Well, that was ... er... more than 10 years ago. 

Now ten years later, I went to Indulgence again, this time not with the hungry kids but refined ladies who do not yearn for big portions.  We indulged ourselves with free starters, followed by the main meal and ended with desserts for each of us.  No sharing this time... let's just indulge ourselves with full satisfaction! 
A different Four this time, 
Not the same hungry Fours who came 10 years ago... 

At the entrance...
As starters.... 
Seafood pasta... 
Chicken Pasta...
Our four different orders... 
Not sure why we ended up ordering spaghetti and pasta.... 
Caramel ice cream from Haagan Diaz... 
Ice cream on grilled mango... 
On grilled banana... 
And my strawberry and cherries ice cream... 
Isn't that real Indulgence... 
Not sure of the price in total but I know each of us paid around RM55 each... 
And we agreed to "indulge" ourselves again... 
Perhaps in a different environment soon!


  1. Nice looking pasta. Makes me think of my failed attempt at cooking Kuching kolo mee, turned out to be more like aglio olio pasta, the post in my blog yesterday.

  2. The desserts are certainly indulgent! I often associate fine dining with small portions, the way tai-tais and mak datins eat, very dainty. Me will be like your kids, sure have to adjourn somewhere for second round. LOL!

  3. The seafood pasta and grilled mango got me drolling! <3 this

  4. Drooling at the desserts and ice cream, they look so tempting

  5. Love the ice cream. The pasta looks good too.

  6. This all does look so delicious! Yes, kids here have no time for fancy food! They want either burgers or chicken tenders at fast food outlets. You look so pretty in this dress!

  7. Everything looked good and delicious. The seafood pasta sure attract me. I wouldn't mind tasting it.

  8. Wow! Good companions enjoying great desserts! I love that.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...