Monday, February 18, 2019

Valentine Day At Sushi Tei And STG


I remember for the past few years Valentine's day was spent in Johor... I normally follow my kids back to Johor after their one week leave in Ipoh.  This year I did it differently, I stayed back while my kids left on Saturday after spending one week in Ipoh.  This year Valentine Day was on a Thursday and for the first time, I celebrated the evening with my friends.  We did not do any planning or reservation to any cafe or fine dining.  I am sure most of the cafes are fully booked.... instead we walked in to a Japanese restaurant at Ipoh Parade.  We went there earlier so that we could get a table for the four of us.  Oh, the place is called Sushi Tei, nothing to shout about actually but since it was our first time there, we ordered lavishly to fill our hungry tummies!
Salad with salmon skin to start off the dinner....
Mini crabs... wrong choice... 
nothing much to eat except to test the strength of our teeth!  LOL..
Dumplings are not bad... could order another plate of this... 
Salmon sushi... 

Ramen without the pork... I think it is halal here... 
Sweet potato... this is kind of special... 
Good choice....
Tempura vegetables... 
Garlic fried rice... not too bad... 
tasted something like we cook at home.... 
And we drowned ourselves with endless hot green tea.... 
The bill came to around RM120...
And since the night was still young, we went for desserts at STG old town... 
With a hot piping cup of coffee before we called it a night... 
Oh yes, a small gift for Valentine's Day....
So what's in the box?
Will be revealed soon when the time is right!


  1. Yes, the sweet potato sushi look special

  2. I am so curious to know what is in the gift box. A pendant? Jewelry?

  3. The purple sushi is beautiful! To me, the ramen looks the best. Cannot wait to find out what is in the box, maybe jewelry?

  4. Oh? A secret admirer? Ehem! Ehem! I think Sushi Tei is one of those franchises, we have one here - Sushi Tie...named after the late owner surnamed Tie. Doing very well after all these years.

  5. Recently I also had bad experience to buy mini crabs from local seller. It poked my whole mouth and throat. Nothing can beat the original mini crabs from Japan.

  6. Quick, quick show us what is inside the box. Don't keep us in suspense for too long.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...