Wednesday, March 13, 2019

3 Reasons Concrete Flooring Is the Right Choice

                    Choosing a flooring system for your home or commercial space can be daunting. You not only want it to fit with your personal flair, but you also want it to match your lifestyle. It is also important for your flooring system to be durable enough so it will last you a long time. Here are three reasons to consider concrete flooring for your space.

Concrete Is Tough

Life is high traffic and high impact. With a durable epoxy concrete floor coating, a concrete floor can be tough and long lasting. A sealed concrete floor won’t degrade due to spills and high traffic. It even resists fading from the sun’s powerful UV rays. Whether at home, in school or in an office building, your spaces are meant to be used. With a concrete floor, your high traffic areas are free from damage from wear and tear that might make other flooring systems look dingy and worn after a short period of time.  Furthermore, with the right design on furniture which comes with the right sofa cleaning service, there will be no place you rather be than your home!

Concrete Is Clean

Allergists agree that using carpet in a space can sometimes lead to illness. While most of the over 200,000 bacteria per square inch that carpet can hold are harmless, others can cause issues if carpets are not cleaned on a regular schedule. In fact, to stay on top of bacteria and mold, you might need to spend time, energy and money pouring chemicals into your carpet or having it professionally cleaned.
Tile doesn’t hold bacteria like carpet does, but it can become cumbersome to keep grout lines around tile from becoming dark and dingy when it frequently comes into contact with moisture. Concrete is easy to clean and doesn’t harbor mold, mites, bacteria or any of the other little surprises that can be found in other types of flooring.

Concrete Is Beautiful

Utilitarian and plain, artistic or even branded, your imagination is the only limit with an epoxy concrete floor. You can go with painted, stained, scored and even textured surfaces. When you start out with a beautiful floor and a quality seal, then your floors become worry-free. Make sure you use a top-quality floor coating installed by a company with experience and a reputation for excellent work, and your concrete floor should look amazing for many years to come.
From top to bottom, you want your space to fit your needs and your style. Concrete floors are a durable foundation that can adapt to fit any style and meet any need.


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