Sunday, March 10, 2019

Food At Mount Erskine And Le Petit Four, Penang


Spent our first meal of the day at Mount Erskine market one morning.  Wanted to try their oyster mee at the market, heard that it is quite popular there, yes, what is cheap and nice is worth going the second time. 
Mini size oysters is good enough for me... 
The gravy is lard-taste, no wonder it is so good!
I had this with a bowl of red bean soup... yummy!
Besides the oyster noodles, we ordered a bowl of Hokkien noodles... 
I tried a few spoonful... 
Taste?  A bit too sweet to my liking... 
Our breakfast cost is less than RM15... 
After the heavy breakfast, we went to relax at a cafe called Le Petit Four... 
Heard that the croissants is a hit there... 
Unfortunately we were a bit too late.. they were all finished... 
We ended up taking just these... and chilled out here.... 
The weather was super hot outside!
White cheesecake... how many calories?
Now only I wonder... 
At that moment of time, I just ate and ate.... 
Nothing goes into waste when I looked at the bill... 
Even the Crimson Hill tea was refilled two to three times!


  1. Good grief! RM18.00 for a slice of cake! Enough for your breakfast and still has change!

  2. I would like to try that oyster mee. Looked yummy.

  3. I will go for the cakes. yummy!

  4. Sweet Hokkien Noodles? So strange. Ah, admiring the cake! LOL!

  5. We just had a delicious cheesecake last night after dinner.

  6. Lard taste gravy sounds good to me. I would want to have coffee and cheesecake.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...