Tuesday, March 19, 2019

How to Wrap an Exhaust

Motorcycles exhausts can be a hazard. They are hot and can easily burn your leg or clothing if you are not careful. You can take precautionary measures by wrapping your bike’s exhaust pipe with a protective film.  This will not only make riding your bike safer, it will make those old muffler pipes look new again. Installing an exhaust wrap on your bike is not difficult at all and can be done in a couple of hours.

Here is a simple step by step guide to get you started. But before you get started, you may want to get the exhaust wrap, exhaust accessories and perhaps some aftermarket motorcycle parts from Bike Bandit.  And it works better if you have an extra set of hands to help you.

Step 1: Soak the wrap
It must be wet to be stretched and applied. You will need a pair of gloves as the wrap is woven with fiberglass and you don't want that on your hands. Also, it is messy. It only takes a minute to soak. Just get it wet and you are ready to go.

Step 2: Wrap it up
It is important to get the wrap as tight as possible, this is where the extra set of hands come. You can use a slight overlap. You don't need a 50% overlap. About 3/16 inch is good. Start at the intake and work out. Fold the ends of the wrap to make it clean. The bends in the pipe are tricky and do require a bit more overlap to maintain a tight fit.  When you reach the end of the pipe use the steel ties to cinch it in place. Then repeat with steel ties at the top.

Step 3: Done
Once you finish wrapping your pipes make sure to run the pipe to allow the exhaust wrap to cure. An advice here is not to do this in your garage or while riding it as it can emit a LOT of smoke!  Once it gets up to temperature it will cure and you will be all set to ride your bike.

Whether you’re looking to wrap your bike’s exhaust or change the exhaust, check out BikeBandit.com where there’s always a wide variety for you to choose from. See more, click here, etc.  to see what you can get for your bike.

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