Friday, April 12, 2019

Day Tour To The Crathes Castle

A friend in Aberdeen took us for a day outing to two castles in Aberdeenshire, one of them is Crathes Castle which is near Banchory.  My BIL is very excited about visiting this castle, he traced back his family tree back to the 1600s, he might have a drop of Scottish blood in him, he said.  LOL... This castle was built by the Burnetts of Leys and his maternal side is a Burnett... Talking about family trees, it would be interesting to trace back my ancestors as well... unfortunately, none of us in my family was interested during the time our father was alive.  Now we want to know more, we do not have anyone to refer to....

Back to our castle tour, we paid 10 pounds per person to enter the castle, it is a guided tour for almost an hour.  Anyway, this is my first time visiting a castle and it is quite interesting....
In front of Crathes Castle.... 
This is our castle tour guide... 
Who took us from room to room and going up and up... 
Dining utensils....
Beautiful plates during those days...
At the living hall....
The ancestors...
The tour guide was quite meticulous... 
The master bedroom... 
Guest room...
Music room....
The writings during those days...
At the entrance.... 
On the grounds.... 
More greens before we left for another castle on the way back.... 


  1. Wow, very special seeing inside a real castle! Most bloggers only post the outside. But those beds, I would get claustrophobia with those heavy canopies on top of me!

  2. wow! your bil can trace his family tree so far back. castles are so fascinating and ancient. guess all of you enjoyed the tour.

  3. I would enjoy such tour. Castles always intrigue me. Their history, the structure and value.

    Interesting to trace our family tree. You never know what you would find.

  4. You've been to Kellie's Castle, I'm sure! Oh my! That plate is so so so beautiful!

  5. Very interesting castle tour. I like such guided tours when i go overseas for holidays.

  6. The castle is interesting. The plate is beautiful.

  7. Oh! I love the bright yellow daffodils!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...