Friday, August 16, 2019

On The Grounds Of The Skiing Resort, Park City

STILL WALKING AROUND...  Yes, I am being long winded here... LOL... 

There are more pictures which I would like to publish in my blog before I delete them in my folder, that is the reason why I am still harping on my walk around the area.... 

It is supposed to be a skiing resort but it is summer now.  No snow, only the sunny sun... and why was I still wearing the jacket?  Firstly, it is for "show"... LOL... my sister "beat" me to it, she saw it, she bought it.... and I took advantage of it by wearing it for two days in a row!  :)  Secondly, it was still cooling when we arrived.... I did not want to get the chill, the weather was not consistent, it could turn very cooling unexpectedly.  *I still love the orange jacket, hope she gives it to me if she happens to read this post!*

Back to my walking.....
This is the bus stop... huh.. so quiet, right?
Well, no one likes going outlet stores around here except we Asians...
So where is everyone???

They are here!!  Kids' corner.... 
Families' summer holiday...
All the shouting and yelling... the kids were really having fun!
Another area for the kids... 
The Bigger Kids must be around here... 
Inside the bars.... having cool beer....
Some likes the sun....
We ran for the shade....
I can imagine how it looks during winter...
Everything white!
On the second floor where activities took place...
I did a most daring thing here during one evening...  
Now coming to think of it.... that evening was the most memorable... 
I must try to upload the video later... LOL... 
After the long walk, we rested here at the entrance and waited for our Driver...
Our footprints here and there.... 


  1. I hope you show a video of your performance. So the orange jacket belongs to your sister! How cool that you both take the same size! You really do look so good in it, orange must be your color.

  2. Give it to your sis lah! You will not need it when you come back here...and you can borrow from her again should you visit her again.

  3. eh, you could buy another orange jacket to do twinning with your sister. Yes, please upload the video of you performing. You are so brave.

  4. You look so good and cherry in orange and you look so happy in all these photos.

  5. Looking forward to the video. Looks like you're having a great time.

  6. Love your photos. A beauiful and peaceful place. I would prefer to chill in the cafes than under the hot sun. Haha.

  7. Beautiful place and beautiful orange jacket.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...