Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Our Fusion Set Lunches In Sacramento

PACKING UP...  After the one week vacation in Utah, it was time for me to go home, back to my own tropical country after being away for more than four months....

During the last week stay in Sacramento, we still shopped to the very last day, squeezed everything into our four big bags and weighed endless times to make sure that they were not over 23kg.  What did I buy?  I really made a mistake this time.  I fell in love with a Quilt and bought it without thinking of the luggage.  The quilt occupied one big section of it and not only that, it was not "light" at all.  Couldn't refund it cos I misplaced the receipt.... no choice, I carried it home with me...

Before leaving, we took outside food.... a fusion of this and that.....
Western food.... 
Bottomless buns served first.... 
Followed by my sandwich... 
Which comes with thick tomato soup which I have learn to enjoy during these 4 months....
Commander had steak...and not sure what the other one is... 
Club sandwiches for my sister... 
And a warm loaf of carrot cake for $3 for desserts.... 
On another day we had Korean bento set... 
Cost only $10 per set... 
Each of us ordered one set lunch and we could eat the remainder for dinner too!
Lastly and not least, we had another set lunch at Rice Bowl Restaurant... 
This set comes with soup and desserts... cost $28.90.... 
Happy Smiles before digging in!
Bye Sacramento, till we meet again.... soon!!


  1. YES, I can finally understand the prices! There used to be a Mimi's close to here, but they closed down. NOW, I want to see that quilt!!! I hope you will be posting it! I have lots of quilt pictures to post in the future. So did you have to leave anything behind?

  2. Love all the food you have shown here, especially the tomato soup and warm buns.

  3. I can guess which one you enjoyed the most! East west, home is best! LOL!!!

  4. The Korean bento is super loaded! I suppose everything is big in the USA :)

  5. Hi!!
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  6. I love the thick tomato soup too! The korean bento portion looks very big. My buddy once bought a triangle cushion set back from thailand and it was heavy too!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...