Monday, September 9, 2019

We Walked On The Sea In Bonneville Salt Flats

ITS A LONG LONG JOURNEY.....  I thought Las Vegas was the longest drive I had ever taken in my own life... but no, Utah broke my record.  I could not keep count of the hours, too many... we reached Sacramento after more than 12 hours or was it 14??  Of course, we stopped many times along the way.... seniors like us need to rest our weary mind and straighten cramped legs every hour or so.  LOL...

I don't think we would be coming this way again for many years to come.... if there is an opportunity, I would love to come during winter, it would be a totally different scenario...

Before we exit the city, we had to stop at one of the attraction spot called Bonneville... Something very rare and spectacular cos it is filled with salt... Sea of Salt... Looks like snow in summer and walking on the sea of salt, I had to be very careful with my steps.  I only stayed near the banks but our Commander was very brave, he walked far far away from where we stood....
Have to be careful with our sneakers or slippers.. 
I wore slippers cos we need to walk off the salt...
Unless we need a new pair of shoes later on!
Here is what I extracted from Mr. G.
Wind and water combine to create the flat surface of salt. Each winter, a shallow layer of standing water floods the surface of the salt flats. During spring and summer, the water slowly evaporates while winds smooth the surface into a vast, nearly perfectly flat plain.
Looks like snow from here... 
From where I stood...
Tourists are fascinated... like me..
Our Commander walking off to the middle... of nowhere...
*terrified me*

We feel safer at the banks.... 
Indeed much much safer... I could do all poses here.... 
Bye Utah!!


  1. Did you taste the salt? is it very salty?

  2. Claire, this is amazing! I have never seen anything like it. Your photos are super!! This says it is not you know how deep it is? I am going to Google it and find out. Wow, this is just stunning. I think it was worth the long drive.

  3. I won't dare to venture too far too!

  4. Looking at your post title, for a while, I thought you were playing Jesus Christ!

  5. This is so fascinating, and the pictures are great. I'd never heard of the place before.

  6. It's beautiful but at the same time looks scary!

  7. Must be walking till your feet went loose. Haha.

    Walked in slippers? I prefer walking shoes as moe comfy.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...