Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why You Just Got To Love Grain Free Granola

After a long day at work or a quick workout, the first thing you would crave for is an energy-pumped treat. You’ve worn your body and brains out a little too much and now, you just want some sugar circulating. Without doubt, your first go-to comfort food is probably some greasy burger or a sweet slice of mud pie that is sugary enough to call a whole platoon of ants over. While these treats are certainly comforting when you’re tired and famished, I wouldn‘t say that they’re all too good for you.
In fact, you are too good for them. You shouldn’t really be feeding that beautiful body of yours with such junk so often. It’s okay every once in a while but when you consume food like that frequently just because they’re fast and easy to buy, you’ll only regret your poor diet decisions later on in life. If you don’t believe me, let’s look at the facts shall we? You can also check them out here:
According to CDC's Division of Diabetes, at least 9% of Americans (30.2 million of which are adults) are diagnosed with diabetes in 2015.
From the same source, it has been found that in the years 2015-2016, 39.6% of adult Americans age 20 an above are clinically obese.
Lastly, statistics show that 1 out of 3 American adults are diagnosed with high blood pressure.
Now, if these numbers are not alarming then I don’t know what is.
Truth is, we take our health for granted everyday of our lives. But I think that’s only because we are still young and able. We can stay out drinking till late and still manage to drag our asses to work by the next morning. We can watch Netflix with all the lights off for 12 hours at a time and still manage to read fine print. Lastly, we can still eat a whole pound of cake without feeling the adverse effects in our gut. But this is only because our body can still try so hard to adapt. It adjusts, manages, troubleshoots, and regulates itself as much as it needs to but how long can it possibly keep this up?
At some point, your body will reach its limits and just like that, your health will crumble like eroded steel. Thanks to your body’s adaptability, you have managed to stay healthy all this time but it’s got to give up at some point you know – especially when you’re adding on years. Anyway, if you don’t want your time here on earth to be cut short, if you still want to spend everyday with the people you love, then you may want to consider a lifestyle change. You should start watching what you eat.
What Diet Should You Follow?
Over the years, we have heard of so many diet strategies and techniques. We’ve had the vegan diet, the keto, paleo, and low GI diets and many others. I bet you’ve tried a couple of them out too whenever you’re feeling extra guilty about that too thick slice of cake or when you feel like your love handles are becoming more like love drawers each passing day. While following a strict diet is recommended for a healthier (not to mention, sexier physique), you shouldn’t restrict yourself to a point where you starve yourself to death. Irregular eating patterns may lead you to developing more problematic conditions like eating disorders. Read more about this here.
What you should really do is become more selective of what you eat. You don’t really need to restrict your diet; you just have to watch it.
Instead of binging on that sugary cake that you so crave for after a long day’s work or eating a bowlful of fruit loops to pump you up for work, why not go for a healthier alternative? Say, grain free granola?
Is Grain Free Granola Good?
It’s as good as any guiltless snack can get. Grain free granola is high in fiber and nutrients and low on fat and sugar so you can eat to your heart’s content without having to feel as guilty. It’s a light snack that you can eat at any time of the day and it’s also jam-packed with energy rich components to give you that certain rush you desperately seek. Check out great brands like like JuliesReal Granola here.
Granola products come in different varieties. We have cereal, bars, and cookies made out of granola but I highly suggest choosing brands that have the least sugar content or all your efforts will be for naught. If you choose grain free, you don’t have to worry about putting on some pounds as well. It’s an all-arounder, if you ask me – perfect to start and end the day!      

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