Monday, January 20, 2020

Chinese New Year Festive Feel

WE KNOW CHINESE NEW YEAR IS COMING... because the weather tells us so!  Oh my goodness, the Weather is so scorching hot these days.  Some more with the baking in the house... I think we need to drink lots and plenty of water to lower down our body temperature.

I spent another two hours in the kitchen, sweat dripping down my face to my body and I hope I did not add any "extra" ingredient onto the cookies I baked!  LOL.... I just another 300 gm of flour, if I do double, I think I would be exhausted.  Must start slow even though I do not get much, just two tubs only?  Should be more if I did not eat them... some were gone even before they went into the tub.... LOL...
This time I used the original recipe which stated Macadamia nuts...
Bought 250 gm for RM27... More than half were being used...
These remaining will be kept for toppings on dishes for CNY...
This time I used Anchor butter which was not so "butter-rich" as SCS....
And I reduced the sugar a lot...
Instead of 150gm, I used only 60...
Odd shapes again, just like those AMOS?  LOL... 
Assorted nuts for one of my kids who is a nut lover...
And these snacks for another snacky kid.... 
More snacks coming soon in the coming days! 


  1. wow! you are so diligent to bake cny cookies.

  2. Hot? Rains quite a lot here, nice and cool and windy weather here, love it! Oh dear! Still so many things to do and not much time left! The nuts, such small packets, where got enough? LOL!!!

  3. Wah you really semangat this year baking until non-stop hah..hah..hah... I only wish I can taste your macadamia cookies!

  4. Ooo. All set for the CNY. My snacks also ready. Didnt not prepare much this year. I love macadamia nuts.

  5. Looks like this year you got baking mood. Macadamia nuts cookies look so yummy. Yes, weather is terribly hot!

  6. Macadamia cookies!! I would like a bite.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...