Thursday, March 5, 2020

Dinner For Five At Zaitun Multi Cuisine Family Restaurant, Ipoh


I thought I would still feel full after the heavy morning's breakfast and lunch but it did not seem so.  By 6pm, my stomach was feeling kind of "empty" inside.... definitely not due to my high metabolism rate but maybe due to the 40 minutes of walking exercise at my own home.  LOL... Using the iPad and my bluetooth speaker, I tuned in to the walking exercise on youtube and turned the volume on high.  Walk, walk, walk on my yoga mat for 40 minutes non stop... Sweat, come on, sweat... and after that, then I felt so good during dinner time!

My friends came to pick me up at 6.30pm and we went to old town to a newly-opened family restaurant called Zaitun, located on Market Street.  Zaitun means "olive" and it is actually a mixture of Arabic and Indian dishes.  But we were equally surprised there is pizzas too in the menu... When it comes to ordering, we definitely needed help.  The names in the menu looks "foreign" to us... and thanks to the friendly staff, we have these served in no time.
Bread Basket which consists of a variety of Naan... 
Garlic, cheese, sesame and what else, I have forgotten already...
This set cost RM30
Potatoes with green beans curry....
Curry chicken...
Of course the names of these dishes are more exotic written in the menu... 
I am using layman's term to name these... LOL... 
And mushroom pizza... which we can forgo the next round...
Three of us ordered Mango Lassie... RM10
Thick and sweet... 
Three dishes and a pizza with drinks all in cost around RM140
And the diners marking their presence at Zaitun's....


  1. The pizza looks delicious! You have a lot of determination to exercise for so long, and more room for food then!

  2. Good for you to exercise so long. Wish I was that motivated, because it's definitely something I need to do more of. That mango lassie looks interesting, and I know I`d love the Naan bread basket.

  3. That's aloo matar, the potatoes with peas and the spinach is palak paneer. I love them both...and the naan looks so good! There's pizza at the Indian restaurant with a Malay name???

    1. wahhh... you are good in the names! Yes, that amazed me too... pizza in north indian dishes..

  4. Thanks for sharing the reviews about the multi-cuisine family restaurant in Ipoh. The variety of naan looks tempting. Of course, the photos of the gravies looks lip-smacking.I absolutely love Mango lassi. Hope you all enjoyed your dinner. Must visit the hotel for sure when I travel to Ipoh in the future.

  5. Aloo Matar and palak panner look so delicious and it goes well with naan ! I hope you had a good family time at Zaitun. Mango lassi one of my favorite during summertime. It's very delicious and sumptuous. Having some family time with an amazing meal makes my heart so joyful.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...