Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How I Am Affected With Restrictions On Covid19

NEW CHANGE... Never before I have experienced this restriction from as far as I can remember.  Vivid and vague memories of a curfew happened in 1969 and that was it.  Now with the Covid-19, it seems like everyone has to play a part in keeping this virus contained.  Many of us pray for this virus to be under control or better still, be rid of... soon!  Our lives will be back to normal then.  Now thinking back, we have lots to be thankful for before this Mr. V came into our lives.  We can go about our daily lives without any worries, particularly on the hygiene. 

Talking about hygiene, Never had I feel "paranoid" about pumping petrol with my bare hands, opening public places' doors where you got to pull or push, entering my car and quickly squeezing from the hand sanitizer, wary of sneezing and coughing from others and including my own self... and what else.... Yes, I tried suppressing myself from coughing at public places, I kept swallowing my saliva to suppress it, failing to, I quickly walked away to a isolated spot... and the list goes on and on...

Seems like the virus has gotten into me, making me paranoid!  And now with the partial restrictions, I joined in the crowd to buy the "un-necessities" among the necessities... Terrible Me... Yeah, now I have stocks in my fridge that can easily last me for weeks if I eat one meal per day by myself.  LOL

No, this fridge is not mine though I hope it is... 
Taken from here... 
Dare not show my fridge...
Filled to the brim...
After all, I am Confirmed Auntie!


  1. Because of mr v, tentatively cannot go tour (scare of imported case), cannotgo jb (due to malaysia "lockdown" from 18 mar to 31 mar), cannot go for my life liberation (due to want to avoid mass gathering). Lucky still got youtube to company me lol.

  2. Indeed it really restrict movement so I wish it will go away soon. I did bought important stuff few weeks ago, somehow we anticpate the lockdown. Not much stock up but it could last for a week or so. And I hope it subdues soon, I am still wondering whether I can go for my holiday end of May. Within Malaysia trip, not oversea. Sigh!!

  3. Wowwww!!!! My fridge is not spared too, luckily can still close. But don't look at me - I didn't do it! Is that a woman thing or what? LOL!!!

  4. Yes, really pray all will be back to the way it was before this pandemic.

  5. For someone like you who likes to go out makan2 with friends I am sure this has affected your social life, unlike me who prefers to be alone hah..hah... Eh, I seriously thought that was your fridge and I was so impressed until I read that it wasn't. LOL!

  6. Yup, no more foodie hunting trip until everything is back to normal. For once, all 3 meals in the house. Hope the situation will improve but then it may not. Pray, stay home, keep safe to avoid a total lock down.

  7. I have 2 big fridges at home for just 2 persons. My wife said I am nuts for all the panic buying when the nearby supermarket is still open. Muahahahaha


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...