Monday, April 20, 2020

Homemade Strawberry Jam During MCO


My fridge was empty of fruits the other day and I ended up ordering 3 packets of strawberries online, costing RM10 per 500gm packet, not sure it really weighed that much or not.  Anyway, they were delivered to my house three days after I ordered.  Fresh, yes... a bit too fresh that some are not so reddish yet.  Tried one.... and it left my eyes closed for several moments.... oww, so sour one!!

So what should I do?  I have 3 packets with me... after passing some to my neighbour (I chose redder ones for them otherwise they would shut their eyes too) and I still have lots.  And an idea came to my mind... why not make strawberry jam!  I only have peanut butter at the moment, strawberry jam would be nice for a change.  Quickly I googled and found one recipe on youtube... so easy that if I can do it, anyone of you also can!
I chose those small and not-so-red ones to make the jam... 
Around 300gm... I estimated... 
Diced them up and add in brown and rock sugar....
In youtube, they used white sugar....
Mix with the sugar until they melt... 
And then on medium fire, keep stirring them....
Keep stirring so that they won't stick to the bottom of the pan... 
As my portion is not much, I kept stirring for around 15 minutes or so only....
Test it on a fridge-cold plate... if it sticks, it means the jam is cooked and ready!
Into a small bowl.... 
Then I transferred it to a small bottle.... 
After cooking, this is the amount of the strawberry jam!
Anyway, it is enough for now....
Will do this again when I have the strawberry mode on!


  1. Wowwwww!!! Lovely strawberries! Not always available here and some aren't sweet, so sour. My! My! This MCO thing is really good for you, putting the time to good use.

  2. I am impressed that you really made the strawberry jam! I want to order Claire's Strawberry Jam - Made in Ipoh!

    You made it sound so easy to make them. Suddenly my thought ran into other fruits like apples, peach and even mixed fruits jam!

  3. I love strawberries. Fresh one as long they are sweet. Not too sour.

    I never make jam at home so any homemade jam sounds good to me.

  4. Wah! MCO really good until people can make strawberry jam. LOL! Nice lah, I am sure you enjoyed it with your toast!

  5. RM10 for 500gm strawberries is really so worth it. Good value for money. I wonder whether I can get this price here. I love strawberries anything so strawberries jam is so very tasty!

  6. That easy? Hard to find strawberries that are sweet, usually they are sour. Bought korean strawberries before. Enjoy your strawberry jam! Do you accept online orders? Lol.

  7. Yummy looking. You can make anything, Claire!

  8. I find the ready made strawberry jam too sweet. If its a bit sourish, it would be delicious. Will keep this in mind the next time we visit Cameron Highland.

  9. strawbie jelly's my fave!! so much love for this post! :'D


Thank you, readers!

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