Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Planting Bean Sprouts During MCO


Seriously?  Yes, serious, for the first time, Reanaclaire did some homegrown vegetables... er..without soil, of course.  How and what motivated me?  My neighbour!  He did a whole tray of bean sprouts and he showed me when it was time for "harvest."  Very easy, he reassured me, he even taught me how to do it, knowing yours truly does not have a single pot of plant in the house.  True enough, it was very easy!  If I can do it, anyone else can too!

Just green beans will do, I have a small packet in the house so I did some experimenting.  I remember doing this during my primary school days!  Only this time, there were much more beans..... LOL...
Soak them for 6 hours first before laying them out on a tray.... 
For the first day, I used a damp cloth to lay the beans on.... 
Oh yeah, they must be kept in a dark place... no sunlight or light...
They are "plant vampires" ...  LOL...
See, they are actually growing... one day after..... 
My neighbour told me to press them with something heavy so that they don't grow long and thin...
I don't have the exact size to press them with... 
Therefore, some are short and some are long... 
Different sizes... 
In another day or two.... 
Time for "harvesting!"
I stood for half an hour to get them cleaned and plucked... phewwww....
Not an easy job... needs patience..... 
And all in they went into my plate of fried meehoon yesterday....
Bye beansprouts!


  1. A lot of work to pluck and clean them. Well done to you for doing it! :) Now, you can grow other plants like Nancy.

  2. MCO really make us adventurous at home, right? LOL! I tried this some years ago and yeah, turned out quite nice but very small, not like those Ipoh ones.

  3. I was thinking of doing this too but my girl's not into taugeh and besides, it is available at the fruit and food shop near my house, can just go over there and buy.

  4. Easy to grow and harvest but not so easy when it comes to removing the skin of the mung beans. I used to pluck the roots but now I no longer remove the roots.

  5. Wah!!! I will do it tomorrow. I love to eat fried bean sprout with salted fish.

    Now your neighbour didn't teach you how remove all the heads from your taugeh farm. I have seen in the wet markets where the seller soak them in water until the heads expanded slightly on its own. Then they use a sieve to repeatedly shake them all. Much of all the floating heads could be scooped out. Bingo!

  6. Mco and circuit breaker really made us come out with new ideas. I remember eating bean sprouts with my hainanese chicken rice. Good job claire!

  7. Wow, I am so impressed! I had no idea we could grow this way.

  8. wah, harvesting home planted beansprout! syioknyer!


Thank you, readers!

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