Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Homecoming During RMCO

WELCOME HOME.... even if only for a short while...

When interstate travelling was approved on the 10th, my kids took the opportunity to make a trip home.  Immediately after work at 6pm, they drove back to Ipoh, reaching here before midnight.  It has been several months since Chinese New Year in February.  They have been working from home ever since the lockdown in March and now they are home, they are still working during the day.  Mommy here has to tend to their meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner.... Isn't that nice?  LOL...

They saw my postings on homecooking in my blog here and now they want to try them all.  Of course, not all... I must have the mood too, right?  LOL... Actually they miss the Ipoh hawker food more than my homecooked meals, no doubt about that.  But due to the RMCO, it is a bit troublesome to go out to eat, we have to write our names and contact number at the hawker centers and for those dine-in restaurants, they use mysejahtera or other scan codes.  Ever since they came back on Friday, we have been eating at home....
They wanted Apom Balik... 
So I did them... 
This time I couldn't get the whole pancake evenly brown... 
But the fillings is still the same...
Add in more peanuts and sesame seeds... 
For dinner, my son requested for potato chicken... 
I marinated the chicken with red wine this time... 
A vege dish with broccoli, capsicum and mushroom... 
Just two dishes for the three of us.... 
And for desserts, I made Herbal Jelly to cool down our body system... 


  1. Your kids must have really, really miss you. :)

  2. Nothing beats mummy's homecooked!!! You must be thrilled to have them home, sure beats being home alone. Indeed, it is rather troublesome to go and eat out...or buy stuff. Best to stay home, save money!

  3. Apom balik with lots of peanuts, so yummy! Long time didn't cook chicken and potato dish. Working from home is so much convenient, doesn't matter where home is.

  4. It is good that they are home to see you. Enjoy your bonding time with them and vice versa!

  5. So nice to have the kids home. And you get to pamper them with your cooking. Haha. Enjoy your bonding time with them.

  6. So nice that your children are home, seems like a long time since you have seen them. How long will they stay? Is your girl working now? Nearby?

  7. You must hv miss your children so much. Good that you can reunion with them now and they eat your homecooked food made with love.💕💕💕


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...